Monday, December 25, 2006

Week 20: Keeping yourself busy?

Hi again O. :)

We've decided to stay for another day here in Chapel Hill so you get to hear from me again.
At Target the other day we saw this:

It looks like a regular teddy bear, right? But it makes the sound of a Mommie's womb, what you hear all the time. I turned it on and listened to it and it sounded so sweet and loud. I hope you can hear me when I'm talking to you over my heartbeat and everything else going on in your little abode. I've been thinking about you being born a lot lately. I wonder if you'll be scared to be out in the world. If you'll wish you were back in Mommie's belly where you got everything you needed. I also wonder how you keep yourself busy in there. What do you do with all of your time? My baby newsletters say that you sleep and are awake for long periods of time now. Do you sing yourself little songs to put yourself to sleep? Do you play little games in there? Do you laugh at Mommie's jokes? I can't imagine what I would do in my uterus 24/7. Your Daddy and I think that you dance a lot in there. Your Daddy wants to play on his computer now (probably to check sports news) so I'll say bye to you now. I love you sweetie.
