Monday, December 11, 2006

Week 18: We found a place!

Good afternoon sweetie,

We have good news...we found a place! It's a two bedroom in Northampton really close to where I live right now. If Daddy didn't think I was crazy already, I'm sure this weekend's apartment searching has confirmed it in his mind. He was so calm and collected though, the complete opposite of me. The landlord, Manny, called me last night to say that the apartment was ours if we wanted it. I tried not to scream but I think I ended up saying YES! really loudly. Manny was like...Are you sure? Your partner hasn't even seen it yet...doesn't he want to see it? I laughed and said that he trusted me so it was okay. It's a tiny, tiny apartment...I'm actually not sure how everyone who comes to visit you will fit in it but it's so perfect for us and really close to everything and nice and warm. I hope you like it too.

I'm so happy that your other family members are starting to write to you too. You are loved so much already, O. I hope you know that you'll have a lot of people who you can turn to and who will support you once you come out. Many of your family members are really busy with finals right now but I'm sure you'll hear from them soon. Send them good energy, little O.

You and I had a busy but relaxing day yesterday. We went to church in the morning. I go to United Church of Christ churches and went to a new one yesterday. UCC churches are nice because they're accepting of everyone and believe that God loves everyone no matter what. The service at church yesterday was about John the Baptist and how it's our duty as human beings to make the world a better place. Aww...Mommie liked that. After that was the passing of the peace and I got to say peace be with you to the cutest couple. They must have been in their mid to late 80s or so. They were so sweet and I could tell they really loved each other. I hope your Daddy and I will be like them when we're their age.

After that we went to workout at the gym. Mommie walked a little over 2 miles on the treadmill. I'm not supposed to get my heartrate above 140 because it decreases the oxygen and blood flow to you so I had to slow the treadmill down many times so my heartrate would stay low. I did some squats after that because I can actually deliver you in that position but I couldn't do nearly as many as I used to so will have to practice that some more.

I can't believe that you're turning 19 weeks tomorrow. It feels like we just found out we were having you. I think I'm really going to miss you being in my uterus and being pregnant. It's really nice to have you around and to take you everywhere with me. Hope you're enjoying yourself in there.

Love you!
(18 weeks, 6 days)