Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Week 19: I can feel the cold!

Counting down the days to be with you for good O, as well as with your mommy of course, and started thinking about how cold it gets in the middle of the winter in Massachusetts. Good thing for you that you don't make an appearance until the real cold is gone, although it will be exciting when we have to put you in a little snow suit and bundle you all up just to take out of the house!

Looks like it's up to you whether or not we find out your sex. Mommy came back to normalcy, and now we're both back on the same page about the issue and won't ask to find out your sex, but you can always try to tell us with how you are positioned when we do the next ultrasound, hint, hint, ;]

The Fernandez clan is thoroughly excited about seeing you, as are the Rincon's, and one day real soon they'll all get their wish! You've already made my wishes come true, being a father and partner to your mommy is more than I can ever have dreamed for! Gracias O. See you soon, si Dios quiere.
