Friday, December 8, 2006

Week 18: Will work for Diapers

O, I applied for another job last night, this one with the government. I used to work for the government, kinda complicated to explain but I helped people with their bills for gas and electricity, both help heat a house and allow you to put lights on and make other things work. Lately I've been more worried about how quickly I can find a job when I move with you and your mommy in a few weeks. I think I'm qualified to do many kinds of jobs but it's always scary to think for whatever reason you won't get a job.

You know O, or Bella, when talking about jobs I think I should impart some wisdom on the subject to you. It's always important to do something you care about, don't do something for the money, because money won't fulfill you anywhere near as much as you doing something that has meaning to you. It might be hard to believe this, and you might have to learn it the hard way but you will at some point realize this. Also it's important to learn to budget wisely, so that you aren't force to take a job for the money! I'll help you with this don't worry. I'll take you to open up a bank account and show you how to balance a checkbook, all in due time. Nothing would make me more proud than to have a child that works in something they are passionate about. Love you.
