Friday, December 29, 2006

Week 21: 5 month Ultrasound

Hi Little O. :)

Here are the photos from your five month ultrasound. The first photo was really hard to get because you didn't want to lay on your back for most of the ultrasound. You were moving around so much. :)

Here is your heartbeat a little bit after the ultrasound. The midwife said, "you already saw the baby's heartbeat on the ultrasound so I don't need to listen to it" and I made a sad face and showed her my recorder so she said she would use the heart doppler afterall. You moved around a few times so that's why parts of it sound different.

O's heartbeat at 21 weeks, 1 day

We interviewed another doula last night, Jennifer Mason-Black. We were supposed to meet with her last week but her husband had a slight accident so she couldn't make it. We met with her for about an hour at Woodstar Cafe in Northampton. She was so nice! She asked a lot of questions about us and you and told us why she became a doula. We both really liked her so she's going to be our doula. You were moving around a lot during the interview so I think you liked her as well. We're going to start meeting with her in February.

We got you a few books from the library today and we're going to read them to you in a little bit. We figured you might be getting tired of Goodnight Little Mouse and Corduroy.

Love you!

(21 weeks, 3 days)