Saturday, December 2, 2006

Week 17: You're in North Carolina!

Good afternoon little O.
We're in North Carolina right now at your Daddy's very very very clean apartment. It was a bit tricky to get here. Mommie left work a little early yesterday to get on a 4:05pm flight to Raleigh that had a layover in Philadelphia. You have to get to the airport an hour earlier than your scheduled flight so I parked and was there are 3:10pm. I checked in and the little kiosk said that the flight was delayed and would now be departing at 8:30pm. Yes, 4 hours and 25 minutes after the original time. Somehow I thought it meant that the flight would get into Raleigh at 8:30pm because it was originally supposed to get in at 7:45pm. So Mommie went and got some food because you seemed hungry and it seemed like you were craving a smoothie. Okay maybe that was Mommie who was craving the smoothie but I hope you liked it and it wasn't too sweet for you. So I called Daddy to tell him what was up. Meanwhile a customer service representative for Southwest Airlines said that because of the weather we were leaving at the earliest at 8:30pm and that he had some more bad news. The plane that we were supposed to use had gotten struck by lighting on the way into Bradley Airport so they needed to get some mechanics to look at it. The thing is that the mechanics would have to fly in from Baltimore or Chicago and flights weren't leaving Chicago because they had a huge snowstorm. So when they came in they would fix the plane and then if the weather had cleared up in Philadelphia we would get to fly but that they weren't sure if that was going to happen.

I don't know much about the physics of flying but something about the plane we were going on having been struck by lighting only an hour before kind of scared me so I called your Daddy and he got me on another flight going to Raleigh later that night. That didn't go as planned either. Daddy bought the flight for me online and when I went to the ticket counter they couldn't find my ticket. It took them about 20 minutes to do all these things to find it. I then went to security and was signaled out for screening. So in front of everyone Mommie had to get patted down by a female guard. It was really embarassing and I think the guard padded me a bit too freely but you can't say much because if you don't consent to being searched you don't get to fly. So Mommie was in tears after that and waited for her plane. We boarded a little bit after and everything was fine and we started moving and then the plane suddenly stopped and the pilot came on to say that it would be another 30 minutes before we would take off because there were air traffic control problems so we might not make our connecting flights. The pilot turned off the engine and we just sat in one of the lanes for what seemed like a long time. We finally got cleared and were up in the skies but they kept saying that we might not make our flights. I was scared because there were no more flights from Charlotte to Raleigh for the night. We got in to Charlotte and I ran to the bathroom and then found my flight. That flight had luckily been delayed because the flight crew were still in the air. They got there about 20 minutes late and we boarded the plane and were ready for takeoff and then suddenly the plane shuts off, the emergency lights come on, and the plane starts beeping. We have no idea what's going on but everyone just wants to get to Raleigh. The air also turned off and it got so hot and I had such a hard time breathing. After about 30 minutes the plane comes on and one of the flight attendants tells us that there is an engine on the plane that controls the power and the air does not work properly on this plane but that it's okay because we don't really need that engine. So everyone is a bit scared but we just want to get to Raleigh so bad that we're willing to take the chance. 25 minutes in the air and we're in Raleigh and I see your Daddy and everything is fine and completely worth it.

Your Daddy and I just had some breakfast. He made pancakes for himself and I made eggs and toast for myself with a yummie prenatal vitamin for dessert. Love you O. We're going to do a belly cast of you at some point this weekend so you can see what you looked like inside of Mommie when you were 4 months old.

(17 weeks, 4 days)