Thursday, December 28, 2006

Week 21: Happy Cumplesemana! (belated)

Good Morning O. :)

Happy 21st week birthday!

Sorry it's a little late but your Daddy and I have been busy moving. We're now in Massachussetts after a pretty stressful 15 hour trip up from North Carolina. Daddy will tell you more about that later.

You had an ultrasound yesterday. You're so cute sweetie! You were laying on your tummie for a lot of the ultrasound so the technician was having some trouble getting photos of you. Right at the end though you turned around and we got to see a profile of you. The tech said that you are dating perfectly and that everything is good with you. She said you're average sized and 15 ounces. Mommie's placenta also moved up so I no longer have placenta previa which makes me very happy because if it hadn't moved up then we'd have to have a c-section for sure. We'll post scans of your ultrasound soon.

Oh and we felt you kick on Tuesday night! You kicked Daddy's hand really hard when he was rubbing my tummie. I've feeling you move around all the time now...hope you're comfy in there. Love you!

(21 weeks, 2 days)