Saturday, December 23, 2006

Week 20: What are you doing in there?

Hi sweet pea,

I'm sitting in your Daddy's living room with your Daddy & Titi Jomaira. They're watching a Brazilian movie but I don't really know what's going on in it so I'm writing you instead. I don't really like movies very much. I have a hard time paying attention to the same thing for an hour and half. Your Daddy on the other hand really likes movies so if you do as well you'll have someone to watch them with.

We've already decided that you won't be able to watch R rated movies or PG-13 movies until you're old enough. My parents (Lela Carmen & Papa Cesar) were very strict about that and I think it was a good thing. I still can't watch scary or violent movies. Do you know that if you watch something violent on TV or in a movie your body reacts the same way it would if the violence was real? Your body can't tell the difference and it starts releasing all these crazy hormones as a response. So yea, O, no violent movies or scary movies for you until you're old enough to decide for yourself. I hope this won't bother you too much.

It has been so nice to have your Titi Jomaira around. She's really funny. She hasn't been feeling so well because she has some sort of virus but she came all the way from Connecticut to help us anyway. She stayed up late last night because she had taken a nap during the day and watched some of Daddy's Seinfeld episodes. She also washed all the dishes and put them away. Isn't that a nice Titi?

This morning your Daddy and I got up around 8am. We took a shower and had breakfast. He had pancakes which he loves and I had some pasta and salad from last night's dinner. Then we went on a walk to the supermarket, Harris Teeter. Your Daddy buys his milk in a glass container which has a deposit $1.30 so if you return it you get that money back. The supermarket is next to a small mall so we walked around there to get some exercise. We saw some very pretty art in an art gallery and got a weird Australian chocolate bar called a Violet Crumble. We started to walk back to Daddy's apartment but I was getting a bit tired so Daddy found a shortcut and we got home really quickly.

When we got home your Titi was still sleeping so we watched another episode of the L Word on Daddy's balcony. It's so warm here, O. It's weird. It was in the mid 60s today. After that I woke your Titi up and made her a sandwich. Then we went together to Target to get your cousins their Christmas presents. Your Daddy was helping us get the gifts for your cousin Jalil because what he wanted wasn't there. Your Daddy showed us things he liked/would have liked when he was 5 years old (that's how old your cousin is going to be on January 1st). He really liked this battleship that made all these noises and had little aircraft on it. I thought it was a little too much and I didn't like the connection to the military so we didn't get that for him. I don't know if your cousins read this journal so I won't say what we got them but I hope they like it.

After that we came home and were starving so Titi Jomaira and I wrapped your cousins presents while your Daddy cooked dinner for us, pizza and chicken tenders. We're trying to eat all of Daddy's food before our big move on Monday so we don't have to waste much. It's really important that we don't waste food because a lot of people in the world don't have enough to eat. Hopefully by the time you're my age that won't be a problem anymore.

Do you know how old I am, O? Your Mommie is 26 and your Daddy is 28. If you're born on your due date, your Daddy will be 29 and I will be turning 27 the next month. If you're born on your due date, you'll also be a Taurus, like your Daddy. I was born in the 80s and Daddy was born in the 70s. I can't believe you're going to be born in 2007. When the year 2000 came it was a really big deal. Some people thought the world was going to end and there were supposed to be a lot of computer glitches because many computer systems couldn't read the date as 2000. Not much happened and it came and went.

We are going to watch more of the L Word now but I hope you know how much I love you. You have definitely been doing stuff in my tummie lately. It's probably you moving around but I still can't tell for sure. I can't wait to see you on the ultrasound in 4 days!

Take care my sweetie.
(20 weeks, 4 days)