Thursday, December 7, 2006

Week 18: Count Down

One down, two to go. Finished first law school exam and am exhausted! Your Papi is working hard in school, and is eager to finish his first semester of law school to be with you and mommy! Your uncle Jorgensen, my younger brother (we call him Toti) gave your mommy and I a nice card to congratulate us about you and it made me think about how lucky you are going to be, two uncles and four aunts, not to mention four loving grandparents, oh and don't forget about your mommy and I! While I hope you have a good relationship with all your uncles and aunts, and of course with your mommy and I, your relationship with your grandparents is particularly important to me. You see I didn't grow up close to my grandparents because they lived in Costa Rica and my brothers, sisters, and I grew up in in the U.S., Massachusetts to be exact. There is so much you can learn from your grandparents, they all are so great. My parents, Mayela and Jorgensen, are real nice people. My father is a hard worker that puts family first above everything and would give his last penny to anyone in the family that needed it. My mother, well don't know where to start with her, she's amazing. It's not easy being a mother to five children, but my mother handles the daily challenges without ever complaining, not an easy task. Hope I can be half the parent my parents have been to me to you.

(18 weeks, 2 days)