Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Week 30: My turn to have dreams

Hi O,

How's Mommy been treating you? Is that limeade hitting the spot? Guess what? I've had two dreams about you in the last three nights, weird huh? A couple nights ago I had a dream that Mommy had this plastic extra belly thing that had a fake baby in it that she could take off, but you were still in her belly only her belly was smaller. Don't know what that means? Then I had a dream that you threwup on me and then had a spoiled diaper I had to change. Wonder what that means. Anyways, I was fine cleaning both you and myself up, so I hope that is a good sign.

I've been thinking about my employment options, but in a different manner of late, with you in mind in several ways. First I think about what is best to support us financially, then about what you'll think about me having certain jobs in the future, and then about what is best to take care of you (daycare, hospital, etc.). All three are hard to match up together, so trying to find a job that accomodates at least two.

I'm real proud of the jobs my father has had over his life, and it means a lot to me for you to feel the same way about me and my employment. Do you know how proud I am of the work your Mommy does? And how proud I am of how she carries herself at her work while carrying you? It's can't be easy to be doing as much work as your Mommy does while having you in her belly, but seeing her at work firsthand it's amazing how good she is at what she does. I hope whatever you do for work in the future you'll be the best at it, or try to be at least. Speaking of jobs, got to finish a couple more applications so chat later O.

Oh one last thing, in case things don't work out as Danny Ainge is planning (GM of the Celtics now), I should tell you that if the Celtics aren't good when you are growing up they can't be as bad as they are this year. Right now they have the worst record in the NBA, and if that isn't sad enough both the team management and fans (including myself) want to see them keep losing this year to have a better shot at drafting either Greg Oden or Kevin Durant. Wonder what kind of career both of them will have had by the time you are reading this. Take care little O.
