Thursday, February 8, 2007

Week 27: Calm, Cool, and Collected...Not!

Hi O, been a little while, sorry, things have been a little hectic of late. I'm excited that maybe this weekend we'll host my familia and tonight we are going to see my other familia, your Mommy's immediate family! Last night we met with Jen, our Doula, and it was great! She's so good! I'm so happy your Mommy looked into getting a Doula for your birth and that we got Jen as our Doula. We met with Jen for a long time, about 2 1/2 hours, talked about a lot of things and your Mommy and I got great resources to learn more information if we aer interested. I thought the best part of the conversation was raising questions your Mommy and I maybe hadn't thought too much about, like if we support co-sleeping, having you in bed with us, how long and how will we deal with that time when you transition into your own bed? Or what is important for us when we consider a Pediatrician for you? These are just a few examples.

The most important thing, or one of them, I got from the meeting with Jen last night is how hard your Mommy and I should try to go to the gym, to make your birth that more likely to go fine. Soon, some time this week, we'll get ourselves organized to make the commitment to go, I know it. got to run, chat later!
