Monday, February 12, 2007

Week 27: I can't believe it, I'm going to be a Papi!

Hi O,

I know I should stop saying that in case you end up being Bella, but can't help it. So I'm at work now, shouldn't be writing to you but miss you and your Mommy a lot and can't help it. This week was nice, your Mommy and I did a lot around the apartment while also entertaining my family and our Doula, Jen, and seeing your Mommy's family for dinner one night too! I think the best day in the past week was Friday, we got some Indian food and relaxed watching The Office, a funny show I got your Mommy into.

The weather forecast has where we live getting a snow storm in a few days and all I can think about is getting to stay home from work with you and your Mommy! I feel like a little kid in school praying before a big storm is expected that there won't be school the next day. Chances are I'll have to go to work, only come in later, but keep your fingers crossed for me O. If I can stay home with you and your Mommy, obviously with her if you stay, I'll read you stories and I'm sure we'll have a fun time.

It was so nice to have my family over our apartment, I got kinda sad thining that they live a little far away because I know they would visit much more if they were closer. But I'm happy we're not in North Carolina! Got to run but miss you a lot and can't wait to see you... in May!
