Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Week 29: Feliz Cumplesemana

Hi O! I had a nice day off from work yesterday. Watched The Guardian, a movie about Coast Guard rescuers, did a couple things around the house, including looking into why our gas bill went up so much, but mostly relaxed. I started off the day dropping off your Mommy and helping her further inflate her birthing ball, it looks kinda funny in her office, and ended the day applying to another job.

I'm getting real excited about your grandparents meeting this weekend, I hope everything goes well. I'm sure they will get along, all of them are nice people and care a lot about you, your Mommy and I. I still think I look weird with my new harcut! I wonder how much hair you will be born with? I remember my little sister, Krysten, was born with a ton of hair!

I know I mentioned it before, but I really like our new childborth classes. I've learned a ton of information, and between the classes and asking your Mommy, she's knows a bunch too, I feel more comfortable with your birth than I ever would have imagined I would. Just last night I was showing off new facts I learned in class to my mother!

Like Mommy mentioned she made some fish last night, but she didn't emphasize how yummy it was! I'm usually not one for fish, more of a chicken person, but I had to work hard to not eat all of it! Your Mommy gets into a little zone when she is cooking that is so cute to watch. I wonder what you'll grow up liking to eat. I hope you'll eat plenty of healthy foods and live a long healthy life to be able to teach your children to eat well also.

I was thinking about how different, in a good way, things will be when you join your Mommy and I out here. I can't wait to hold you and look into your eyes. They say a child can tell it's Mommy from birth, but what about me? I hope you recognize me as well. I need to talk to you more so you can recognize my voice. I love you so much O. Every day I wake up and look at your little cubbie of clothes next to mine and go to sleep doing the same. It would be nice to share cubbie space with you when you are older to watch you put clothes on from your cubbie while I do the same from mine! Just a thought. Take care O.
