Saturday, February 17, 2007

Week 28: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Good morning!

Hello baby, how are you developing? It's Saturday morning and I wanted to write before I go outside in the cold February weather. Well, relatively speaking, it's not that cold today--the winds have diminished. So how has your week been? ...busy turning and stretching. I'm sure your mommie would agree with me. I kind of felt you kick the other day. It seems you're getting big for your space. Well pretty soon you will have lots of space, but you wiil still curl up to fall asleep.

Do you hear mommie and daddy when they read to you? They have selected some wonderful books for you. I used to read to mommie when she was a little girl. Now, as a grown-up, she continues to enjoy books. I hope you will have a love for books as your parents do.

Your Papa Cesar is always reading, he also likes to see Jeopardy, and sports. I enjoy reading, but I also like to watch movies. Papa is not into movies, but I get him to see Dancing with the Stars and American Idol with me.

Well I'm off to help out in the Thrift Shop at church and then maybe I'll go to Macy's. Oh did I mention I'm on vacation? Life is good!

Blessings to you, mommie, daddy and the Rincon and Fernandez Families.

Much love,
Lela Carmen