Thursday, February 1, 2007

Week 26: Titi Jomaira!

Guest Post from Titi Jomaira:

Hello Baby! I hope you are doing well. I am looking forward to meeting you in a few months. I just realized I won’t be around when your Mommie actually gives birth to you (if you arrive on your due date) which makes me quite sad, but I will be able to see you a few days later, so do not fret!

So, since Mommie and Daddy are always writing stories on this blog, I figured I will write you a story that made your Mommie laugh at me a lot. Well, a few weeks ago, I was watching TV and saw a commercial about a CD collection. It was more of an infomercial. It was for an 18-disc CD collection called “Classic Soul Ballads”. So throughout the infomercial, they kept playing samples of some of the songs the collection contained. Well, I fell in love! I had to get it. It said that if I was not completely satisfied, I could return the collection within 30 days and that I only had to pay $9.95 for the shipping and handling. I thought this was a great deal, so I called the number. I knew I should have hung up when the man told me if I decided to keep the collection I would be billed $294.90, but I had already given him my address and information so I just said “Uhhhh, okay” and kept going. Well, my package finally arrived and I decided that I would enjoy the CDs for 30 days and return them since I definitely couldn’t afford to keep them! Well, I got the package last week and I was so excited. Al Greene, Gladys Knight, The Temptations, Marvin Gaye just to name a few! Well, I opened the package and to my dismay, there were only 4 CDs and they weren’t the CDs I ordered! I was so sad. But I thought it could be a sign.

So I told your Mommie about it and she laughed at me... a lot. She told me it was a rip off and that I was getting charged too much. And then she laughed that I actually wanted “Classic Soul Ballads”. She told me I had to return them so that I wouldn’t get charged. The next day I called the company and told them I received the wrong thing and then they asked me if I still wanted them to send me the “Classic Soul Ballads” and I said “NO”. Once you are born, we’ll listen to music together, but sadly, it won’t be from the Classic Soul Ballads collection!

So what is the lesson of all of this? Well, first off, be hesitant of buying things from such infomercials. I did some searching and found that the collection was being sold online for cheaper. Also, when you are being ripped off or being treated badly, you must stand up for yourself. The sooner you learn that, the better I think. There is a saying that says “People treat you the way you allow them to treat you.” I’m not sure if that’s true, but it makes sense. I know your Mommie and Daddy will instill great wisdom in you and maybe I’ll be able to teach you a few things once in a while.

Hope you’re keeping warm! Can’t wait to see you!

Titi Jomaira
(26 weeks, 2 days)