Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Week 30: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O. :)

Happy 30th week birthday!!

You're 7 1/2 months today!!

According to Parenting magazine & Pampers, you can go to sleep now. When you're not asleep, you're busy making faces, bopping around, hiccuping, and nudging me.

You weigh about three pounds and are 17 inches long.

You're close to having a fully functioning nervous system that regulates the body, and your nerve fibers are now encased in myelin, which allows impulses to travel faster.

Your brain continues its amazing development. Up until now, its surface has been smooth. This week, the brain begins to take on its distinctly wrinkled appearance. These wrinkles are called convolutions, and they allow the brain to hold more brain cells.

As some things develop, others disappear, like lanugo, the ultrafine hair that covered your body. You may still have patches of it on your back and shoulders, however.

You're 3 pounds sweetie! Aww...I wonder how many pounds you'll be when you come out. We only have 10 more weeks to go sweet pea. I hope you're still enjoying yourself in there.

Last night, Mommie had a prenatal massage at the Center for Complementary Therapies, at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. It was weird to be at the hospital where you will be born. I kept thinking about 10 weeks from now and how much pain I might be in. The massage therapist kept telling me to relax and that I was too tense...wonder why! The massage was really nice. She massaged my legs, hips, shoulder, lower back and arms. For the first part of the massage I got to lay on my tummie, something I haven't done in such a long time. She put all these pillows on the massage table and then left a hole for my belly so I could do that. It was really nice. You were moving around a lot during the whole massage and I think you freaked out the massage therapist a few times by how much you were moving and that she could see you moving (maybe she hasn't been around many pregnant Mommies). I get to go again in a few weeks, can't wait!

I love you sweetie. :)
