Monday, February 19, 2007

Week 28: Dinner with your parents

Hi sweet pea :)

You have been pretty quiet for the last few hours. Could little O actually be sleeping? I hope so need rest.

So like your Daddy said, we had childbirth class on Saturday and Sunday. I really really liked them. We were originally going to take a Childbirth 101 class at Cooley Dickinson Hospital but our doula told us about a childbirth instructor named Vicki Elson who teaches more holistic childbirth classes. We also found out that the class at the hospital was going to be taught by the same instructor who taught our Hypnobirthing class and we thought she was a little wacky so we were happy to take a class with someone else.

The class is held at Northampton Wellness Center, a medical practice that focuses on alternative medicine. This is the center where I saw a doctor who prescribed Vitamin B shots to me about a year ago. I bought the shots but never ended up taking them because something about poking myself with a needle felt weird to me.

On Saturday, we went into the center to find a room full of recliners for us to sit in. I was so happy! In the class there are 6 other couples and two observers. One of the observers is our doula, Jen. I'm so glad she's taking the class with us because we get to spend more time with her. The other observer is a woman who is training to be a doula in a month or so. She is also learning Tibetan Medicine and is a massage therapist. The are two single moms in the group. One of them lives on a farm and has sheep and chicken and horses. She's a carpenter and her older sister is her labor partner. The other one is a psychologist and has been trying for a long time to have a baby. Her partner is her friend who just retired as a psychiatric nurse practioner. Another couple is a Mommie and Daddy who are newlyweds. The Daddy has two young daughters from a previous marriage and they are expecting a boy so they're really excited. Another couple is made up of two Mommies, one is a music manager and the other has her own painting business. Another couple is a Mommie and a Daddy and she's a teacher and he's from Cuba and is a dancer and Quaker pastor. Then there's us!

When we first got there we went around and did introductions. We had to say what our name was, how far along we were, where we lived, any quirks about ourselves and what medical practice we were being seen by. The two observers and two couples spoke and then it was your Daddy's turn. He introduced himself and said that his quirk was that he couldn't sleep at night. Then I introduced myself and said I have no quirks (ha!).

It was really nice and then we took a break and the partners were instructed to talk with each other and the mommies had to talk to each other. I talkedwith the Mommies about all sorts of things. There was just one other Mommie who hadn't found out the sex of her baby and there are a few Mommies who are having homebirths. After that we talked about some good books to read and then our instructor showed us the documentary Birth Day about a homebirth in Mexico. It was pretty amazing. The Mommie gave birth in her bathtub with her entire family around her including her young sons.

On Sunday, we saw slides of different births. It was a little scary, O. They were actual pictures from homebirths and they showed babies crowning and then coming out of their Mommies. I have no idea how my body is going to stretch like that sweetie pie. There were a lot of sweet pictures of Mommies breastfeeding their babies. I hope you'll be able to breastfeed too lovie. After that we talked about prenatal nutrition and exercise. This is when I started to feel bad because the instructor was saying how important it was to eat lots of vegetables and foods high in folic acid. I told everyone that all I wanted to do was eat Cream of Wheat and then I bowed my head in shame. After that we learned about how babies come out of their Mommies. The instructor showed us all of these models showing different stages of labor. It was amazing. You're going to have to work hard to get out little O but I know you can do it.

Your Daddy with "Gilbert"

Because I felt so guilty when we went grocery shopping last night your Daddy and I got all kinds of vegetables and fruits. We also got some fish. For dinner tonight, your Daddy made mashed potatoes and I worked on the fish which I was so afraid of overcooking but it came out yummie!

Daddy ready to eat!

Broiled Tilapia Parmesan, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, and Corn

I love you sweetie. I love learning so much about you. It's time to clean up a little bit so we'll talk soon. Mwah! (Oh, and you're up and kicking again, spoke too soon!)

(28 weeks, 6 days)