Saturday, February 10, 2007

Week 27: The Fernandez familia visit!

Hi little O. :)

Your Daddy has his head on my shoulder and is sleeping right now. He got up really early this morning around 5 am because he couldn't sleep and played XBox. Crazy! I woke up around 6:45 this morning and saw that he wasn't in bed so I said, "lovie...where are you?" and in he came. He had heard me wake up (I breathe really loudly when I wake up because I can't breathe, just like my Mommie does) and was coming to see me. We laid in bed for about an hour talking. This is one of my favorite parts of the day and why I like the weekends so much because we can just lay in bed and talk and not have to go somewhere right away. Soon you'll be there in between us and you can join in on the conversation as well.

Your Daddy woke up on a mission to move our bedroom to the other room. We have been sleeping in the bedroom in the front of the apartment but have been thinking that we should sleep in the other bedroom because it's smaller and warmer. We had a quick breakfast and then started moving things around. It only took a few hours and it's so much better now. Now we have room in the second bedroom for all of your things. You'll also have room to crawl around in there once you get big enough.

After we moved things around we went to the grocery store to get food to cook for la familia Fernandez. Everyone came to visit today: Abuelito Jorgensen and Abuelita Mayela, Titi Lucy, Tatiana & Krysten and Tio Toti. It takes about 2 hours from their house to our apartment but your Daddy thought it might take longer because your Abuelito drives a bit slow but they made it much quicker. They called us when they were an exit away and we hadn't finished cooking yet! When they were almost here our smoke alarm started going off and we had to open all the windows and doors to get the smoke out so when they arrived the food wasn't done and it was freezing in the apartment! It was very funny. Luckily your Titis stepped in and helped cook while your Daddy got ready and showed everyone around. With everyone here there were 8 of us in total and we didn't have enough forks or plates for everyone but we made due. Everyone ate and then most of us went to downtown Northampton. Your Abuelito had to get some things so we went with him while Tio Toti, Titi Tatiana & Krysten went around Northampton. It was really nice to have them over but they had to leave a little while ago because it takes a while to get home. I hope they can visit again sometime soon.

Well sweetie, I'm going to go get something to drink now. I have been so thirsty lately. If I didn't know better I would think I have diabetes but that test came back normal. I'm supposed to be drinking a lot of water while you're inside of me because I have 50% more blood in my system or something crazy. I have to get better at that because I don't want you to be dehydrated sweetie. I love you so much, O.

(27 weeks, 4 days)