Monday, February 26, 2007

Week 29: Whoa

Good morning O,

It's monday and normally that means back to work, but your Mommy and I put in a lot of hours of work this past weekend. You see your Mommy and is looking for a site for a retreat for her job so we checked out three places over the weekend, two in Connecticut and one in New York. Oh and can't forget to mention that your grandparents met for the first time! Where do I start?

Well Saturday we were up pretty early to check out the two sites in Connecticut, The Trinity Conference Center, in West Cornwall, which was pretty nice. Before we got there we passed over a covered bride, both mine and your first! The area was covered in snow but still looked real pretty, and I could only imagine how nice it must be in the summer. Then from there we went to Wisdom House, in Litchfield Connecticut, that was nice but not as fancy, and we got a yummy lunch there.

Pretty snow at Trinity

Then we had to rush over to your Mommy's parent's house to pick them up to take them to meet my parents. Your Mommy's parent's were dressed real nice for the occassion and before we knew it we were at my parent's home. It was fun there, your grandparents seemed to get along quite well, and your Mommy and I had a fun time with your Tio Toti and Tias Krysten, Tatiana y Lucy. After another yummy meal, courtesy su abuelita Mayela y Tia Lucy, we headed home. Pretty busy Saturday huh?

Abuelito Jorgensen, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar

Abuelito Jorgensen, Abuelita Mayela, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar

Mommie, Daddy, Abuelito Jorgensen, Abuelita Mayela, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar

Mommie & Daddy

Abuelito Jorgensen, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar enjoying tea

Sunday we got up almost as early and headed to upstate New York to Phoenicia to see the Menla Mountain Retereat and Conference Center. On the way there we saw deer running both across and along the road. The area with mountains and rivers was so stunning. Then when we got to the retreat center boy was this place nice! It was so beautiful and spiritual. Your Mommy and I kept thinking how we could find a way to stay there. The Dalai Lama stayed there not too long ago, crazy huh? Oh the Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan people, too put it simply. It was a long drive, almost three hours to get there and we had a few issues when we did get there, but it was soo worth it.

Daddy at Menla

Mommie going into one of the houses

After the long drive back home your Mommy and I went food shopping and then called it a day. Whew. What a weekend. You know I love spending time with you and your Mommy so much that it really didn't feel like work at all. Well, gotta run but chat later. Love you.

(29 weeks, 6 days)