Thursday, February 22, 2007

Week 29: Hawk and Food

Hi O, it's Daddy, or what I might prefer to hear you call me, Papi, or Pa (like I call my father). Yesterday was real busy for me at work. I saw a hawk upclose in front of the building I work at . What a beautiful animal. Here is what he looked like.

After a crazy day at work I came home to a pleasant surpirse, your Mommy had cooked a feast worth of food! She really is too good for me! She made Rice, Beans, Pasta Salad, Fruit Salad, Tempeh, and Apple Crisp! It was amazing to see and real yummy to eat! I especially loved the pasta salad (which I had more of this morning and will be having more of for lunch!).

Mommy Served before Daddy, she did cook it all!

Yum, can't get enough of this

Goes great with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, did you like it O?

After dinner your Mommy and I went to see a play at UMass called Platanos and Collard Greens that was real entertaining. It was about the difficulties Blacks and Latinos face in society because of their multicultural ancestry. It was a real nice day, and I hope your Mommy had a nice day as well.