Monday, February 5, 2007

Week 26: Busy weekend

Good afternoon sweetie :)

We had a busy weekend. On Saturday we got up and had a yummie and filling breakfast. We needed it because we were about to go on an adventure.

Mommie's prenatal vitamin is always better with lots of food

It was a little difficult to get out of our driveway because it had snowed the night before and things were icy. After a few tries were were out and headed to BabiesRUs to create a baby registry for YOU! Yes sweetie you apparently need a lot of things before your arrival. There are so many things for babies sweetie, I had no idea. I mean, the whole store is for stuff for you and other babies. Everything!

We got there around 10:30am and it was already pretty busy. Lots of other parents-to-be everywhere. When we went in we had to fill out information about you like whether you were a boy or girl or what type of nursery decor we wanted (we'd need a nursery first) and the names of your grandparents. Then they gave us a list of things that we needed for your first year. The list was so long sweetie! Here is the list. It's crazy! They asked if we had any questions and then set us off and gave us a hand held scanner. Your Daddy and I kind of looked at each other and didn't even know where to start so we headed to the rocking chair/glider section first. :)

Daddy ready to scan

Mommie testing out the gliders...hope they soothe you!

After that we headed to the diapers section. We have been thinking about using gDiapers because they're flushable and a little better for the environment but they didn't have those so we picked tiny newborn diapers. A person who worked there said they might not fit if the baby is born large and your Daddy was 10 pounds so I hope you're not that big because one, giving birth to such a big baby can't be fun and two, we won't have diapers that will fit you!

Mommie with the diapers

After that we headed to the bassinet section, then to the swing section and then to the baby carrier section. One of the people that works there told Daddy to put a bottle of laundry detergent in his baby carrier to simulate the weight of a baby and he did. Your Daddy is the best.

Daddy scanning a swing

Aww...Daddy is so cute with a baby carrier

Then we headed to the stroller section. There were so many strollers sweetie. We didn't know how to use them so we had to get help.

Your Daddy testing out a stroller travel system

We were getting really hungry at this point so we went upstairs to the 99 restaurant and ate some yummie food to get us through the rest of the scanning.

Some baked fish for my sweetie!

We headed back downstairs to BabiesRUs to continue the registry. I'm not sure what we did at that point. I remember looking at diaper bags, I think. The only one I liked was made of suede and I'm not into suede in the first place and it wouldn't clean up easily so we skipped that section. Then we looked at the breastfeeding section. Who knew there were so many things to buy to help you breastfeed? We picked out a breast pump and then headed to the bath section. Do you know you can get a little baby bath with a whirpool in it? Crazy! No whirpool for you little O. It will be the kitchen sink for you at the beginning. After that we looked at a million toys and burp cloths and bibs. There was a really cute bib that said, "If you think I'm cute you should see my Dad." We scanned that one. We were running out of time because we had a fundraiser to go to so we had to leave BabiesRUs without finishing. We had been there for 3 hours at this point.

We headed back to Northampton because we were given tickets for a fundraiser event to commemorate the 34th anniversary of Roe v. Wade at Amherst College. We had to get dressed up so we changed really quickly and left. The event was really good. They served a lot of cheeses that I can't eat because I don't want to give you listeria and lots of wine that I can't have but I don't like anyway so that's okay.

Daddy all dressed up

My boss Marlene Fried spoke and so did Louise Melling the director of ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project.

My boss speaking

Louise Melling

She was great and really inspiring. Louise talked about her first client as an attorney. She was from Idaho and 18 and newly married. She got pregnant and was very happy about it. During a routine ultrasound she found out that the baby had spina bifida and would be paralyzed and would have to endure many operations and infections throughout their short life. She didn't know what to do but as her and her hubby thought about it some more they decided they didn't have the resources to support (both emotional and financial) to support the baby and decided to terminate the pregnancy. The only thing was that she was poor and on Medicaid and because of the Hyde Amendment she had to pay for the procedure which cost $2500 all on her own. The young women didn't have the money so Louise went to the court on behalf of her client to get emergency relief which the judge denied. Louise and others were able to raise this money eventually and she still keeps in touch with her client until this day. Everyone was asking about you at the fundraiser. They wanted to know when you were due and if you were boy and a girl and were touching my belly a lot. I wonder if you can tell the difference between when Daddy or I touch you and when someone else does.

After the fundraiser we went to Target to get some things for the apartment. We got a really good bargain on a kitchen cart so we went home and built it together. Now our plates and cups have a home!


On Sunday we got up and went back to BabiesRUs to finish the registry. We spent another 3 hours but I think we're done. We had to delete some things and then look at the playards. Your Daddy and I tested them to see how they fold. It's a bit complicated sweetie but someone helped us out. Then we looked at other toys and blankets and books. Daddy had the scanner downloaded and then we left to go to Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen's house to drop off some things. Your cousins Yasmin and Jalil were there, I can't wait for you to meet them. We also got to see Titi Lisa. She's having surgery in a few days so send her good thoughts little O.

After that we went grocery shopping and then drove home and sort of watched the Super Bowl. The Colts beat the Bears 29-17. By the way, you're not allowed to play football sweetie. Basketball, soccer, baseball, ultimate frisbee, whatever else is fine but not football. I don't want all your bones to be crushed.

It's time for me to get back to work but I love you sweetie! Can't wait to see you.

(26 weeks, 6 days)