Sunday, February 18, 2007

Week 28: Eager Anticipation

Hi O, it's Daddy. Things have been ok of late, little worried about what I'm going to do for work both now and in the future, and how you coming into my life affects this decision, but I'm so happy with my life right now, with Mommy and you, that the worry feelings are largely consumed by the happy feelings!

Your Mommy and I went to our first birthing class yesterday of this new class we signed up for. I liked it a lot and I think your Mommy did too. It was nice, hanging out with other people that are expecting little bundles of joy, and their supporters, only a couple things were a little odd. You see O, we live in an area that is not very "traditional" as far as how babies are treated both before and after they enter this world. This is actually a good thing because your Mommy and I aren't all that "traditional" about our views as well, but sometimes this can lead to odd practices. Take for example the fact that there exists some people where we live that are against the chicken pox vaccine, thus bring their child to play with another child that has chicken pox to "infect" their child to build immunities for the virus in their body. Makes sense right? Well it does but it sounds kinda funny to hear of parents bringing their children together solely for the purpose of getting them infected with a virus doesn't it? Well it does for me at least.

The highlight of the class yesterday was watching this great video of this woman giving birth to a child, it was pretty amazing. I never knew babies were born purple/blue! Good thing I know this now to not be worried when you come out like this. The birth video was nice, it was narrated by the mother, after she had given birth, and she had a very positive outlook on births, maybe because she is a midwife. The only thing about the video is that she looked a little scary while giving birth, and I couldn't help but wonder what your Mommy will look like when you are close to joining us? No matter, I'll be there supporting her and you nonetheless!

We've done a lot in the apartment of late, and every day it gets closer and closer to being ready for you! Yesterday I folded the first clothes your Mommy and I bought for you, used from the Salvation Army last Thursday, and made room in my clothes shelf for you to have your own little cubbie! I was smiling the whole time I was folding your clothes and putting it away, next to mine!

At Salvation Army with all of your clothes!

Next weekend your grandparents are going to meet for the first time, can't wait for that. The meeting is long overdue! I think they will get along just fine. It will be nice for my mother to meet my new adopted mother for once.

Oh maybe this is off topic a bit, but I can't stop thinking about this baked potato soup I had yesterday at Panera Bread, it was pretty yummy! You know your grandfather, my Daddy, loves soups too! I'm more picky than he is about soups, and prefer only thicker one's. Well, tomorrow I have the day off and will surely write to you again. Until then hope things are comfy in Mommy for you.

(28 weeks, 5 days)