Thursday, February 15, 2007

Week 28: Snow Day Happenings

Things your parents did on the snow day:
  • Woke up at 5:30am to the sounds of our landlord plowing (thank you, Manny!)
  • Turned on the TV News and saw that our schools had been closed (yay!)
  • Finished the 2nd season of the Office around 7am (which made us cry, oh Jim and Pam!)
  • Slept until 10:30am (Mommie only)
  • Had breakfast (Daddy had waffles, Mommie had Cream of Wheat)
  • Got the mail (poor post office people have to work in the elements)
  • Filled out the Northampton census including all the people living in our apartment (we couldn't put you down yet because you need to have a date of birth first)
  • Had a yummie lunch that your Daddy made of pasta with peppers and onions, veggie chicken burger, and roasted corn on the cob (Daddy is quite the chef lately)
  • Looked outside at the snow (It was very pretty but icy!)
  • Turned the heat up and down (Mommie is always hot)
  • Made the IKEA futon (very easy! now the mattress part has to takes a few days)
  • Had a delicious dinner of pizza, salad, and plantains
  • Did laundry (it's great to have a washer and dryer at home)
  • Folded laundry (Mommie has socks for days)
  • Made bed (with Daddy's 20 pound comforter)
  • Took showers (so we wouldn't look like bums)
  • Washed dishes (how can two people create so many dishes to wash?)
  • Watched the movie Sherry Baby (that was a downer)
  • Sat on the birthing ball (Mommie only)
  • Watched the L Word (we still don't like the 4th season)
  • Went to bed early (aww)
I don't know if I'm forgetting something but it was a great snow day. Maybe we'll have another one soon. I love you sweetie!

(28 weeks, 2 days)