Sunday, February 25, 2007

Week 29: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Little One,

It's Sunday night and my week of rest and freedom has come to an end. But there still is a glimpse of hope, they are predicting snow for tonight. You would think that an adult would not be excited about this, but what can I say. Oh, I don't really like a day off, these you have to make up in June. But I love 90 minute delays. You see I have a 10 minute comute to work, so 90 minutes means an additional hour of rest, not bad!

On Saturday your daddy and mommie drove to Brookline, Ma. and papa and I got to meet the Fernandez Family. The food was great and we enjoyed our conversation with your grandparents and uncle and aunties. They received us with such warmth, we had a wonderful time. Thank-you Fernandez Family!

I really like the town of Brookline. I only saw part of it, but it seems like a great place to live. Windsor, where I live is very different. It's a small New England town with a few shops and town hall.

The Academy Awards are on tonight and I'm watching them as I write to you. I hope they are entertaining.

I just took a peek out the window to see if it has started snowing, but it hasn't. Well, let's see how well the forecasters have done.

Little one, May God Almighty continue taking special care of you.

Much love,
Lela Carmen