Monday, February 12, 2007

Week 27: Busy Busy

Hi pumpkin :)

You are moving around so so much. I can't believe it. I hope you're taking naps at some point. Your parents have been busy. Yesterday we woke up early and drove down to Ikea in New Haven, Connecticut to pick out a futon for the second bedroom so that when people come to visit you they have a place to sleep. It was crazy. There were so many people there and Ikea is so huge. We tested out all the futons and picked one we really liked. Now we just have to put it together.

On the way home we stopped off at Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen's house. We got to see your Titi Jomaira too who is sick again. Poor thing.

O, your Mommie made a new discovery...maternity underwear!

I bought these lovely things at Old Navy a few weeks ago and life has not been the same. Maybe that's why you've been able to move around more the last few weeks. I wish I would have known about these sooner! They're so comfortable and stretchy. I love them.

I'm a bit tired today eventhough we went to sleep early last night so I'm going to leave you with some pictures from the last week:

Mommie's table at Amherst College telling students about her organization's internship program (Daddy came to help Mommie out too as you can tell by the very organized candy)

The goodies we put out when our doula came to visit. She was sick though so Daddy and I ended up eating most of it.

Cousin Yasmin at Rainforest Cafe

Cousin Jalil and Papa Cesar at Rainforest

Tio Jon, Mommie and Daddy at Rainforest

Your parents relaxing on Friday night with yummie Indian food!

Our trip to Ikea on Saturday (Your Daddy played DJ)

Eating at Ikea (Daddy got chicken)

Eating at Ikea (Mommie got baked salmon)

On our way home from Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen's house we went to Babiesrus and for the first time ever found parking in one of the Expectant Mothers parking spots...yay!

Love you, O!

(27 weeks, 6 days)