Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Week 28: Happy Cumplesemana y Cumplemes!

Good morning, O!

Happy 28th week birthday!!!

You're 7 months old today!!!

We made it sweetie...we're officially in the third trimester! You'll be coming out in 12 weeks or so...ahhh! Let's see, according to Pampers, you weigh about 2.3 pounds. Crown to rump, you measure 10 inches, but if I were to stretch you out you might be around 15 inches long.

Last week, you opened your eyes for the first time in four months, and you began to see light and shadows. This week, if I shine a bright light against my abdomen, you may open your eyes and turn away from the light, as if to say, "Hey Mom, shut that off—I'm trying to sleep in here."

Your little one's sight isn't the only sense that's working. Your brain wave patterns indicate that you're responding to sounds in the environment. What are you able to pick up? The sound of my voice, the growl of my stomach when I'm hungry, even noises outside my body. Your brain waves are also starting to show differences during sleep. These sleep cycles will become clearer and more distinct as you gets closer to your due date.

This is a vital stage in your lung development. Blood vessels are forming throughout both lungs. When you take your first breath of air, your lungs will absorb the oxygen, then send it into these vessels, which will circulate the oxygenated blood throughout your body. Your little one is also just starting to manufacture a substance, called a surfactant, which keeps the air sacs in your lungs from sticking together. The surfactant will allow you to breathe properly after birth. The bronchial tubes are also maturing, dividing into smaller and smaller branches.

Wow! You're really developing in there little O.

Your Daddy is shocked that I'm up this early but I wanted to say hi to you on your birthday. You're up too right now, kicking away. I'm going to get ready for work right now but we'll talk later. I love you!