Hi sweetie pie :)
Your Daddy and I are home...yay! Your Daddy is about to go pick up Indian food and then we're going to watch the Office and relax. Guess what we did today? After work we went to the gym! Your Daddy and I have been meaning to go but have been pretty busy. We signed up for treadmills next to each other and walked a bit. Our gym has little tvs on all the treadmills so I watched Oprah and I think your Daddy watched ESPN. Oprah today was so sad sweetie. It was about child trafficking in Ghana and how little children are sold as slaves because their parents need the money. We are so lucky sweetie, I can't imagine having to make that decision. I couldn't walk very fast on the treadmill because I'm supposed to keep my heartrate under 140 because otherwise you don't get enough oxygen so I went a leisurely pace. After walking your Daddy and I went to the basketball court and your Daddy played one-on-one with a 12 year old. Daddy won but the little person was really good. I wonder if you'll play basketball.
Last night we went to Connecticut to see the Rincons. We all met at the Rainforest Cafe and had a yummie dinner. Everyone was there, Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen, Tio Jon and Titi Lisa, Titi Jomaira and your cousins Yasmin and Jalil. I can't wait for you to meet everyone.
Our meeting with Jen our doula went really well the other night. She really puts me at ease about giving birth to you and had all these suggestions for us. I'm glad she'll be with us to help us out.
Oh, and we met Baby Sam, my boss' 2 week old baby yesterday! He was so cute, O. You were kicking a lot when I was holding him so I think you were trying to say hello. I felt like I knew him already because I had spent so much time with him when he was inside of her. Your Daddy held him for a long time too and he looked so adorable. You'll get to play with him soon.
Love you!
(27 weeks, 3 days)