Thursday, February 1, 2007

Week 26: Countdown

Your Daddy is jumping up and down right now because he found out we're under the 100 day mark. Yes, according to our due date, you'll be here in 98 days. He's still jumping around in excitement. 98 days seems so soon sweetie! Will we be ready for you? I have so many things I want to learn before you're born and you're only 3 months away! I hope you're ready for your crazy parents.

Yesterday we went to the midwives for our 6 month prenatal appointment. First I had to go downstairs to the lab to take my glucose test. I got to choose between an orange or Sprite flavored drink with a lot of sugar in it. I picked orange and it tasted just like soda, not bad! I had to drink it within 5 minutes and then I went upstairs to meet with the midwives. Now that we're almost into the 3rd trimester, we're going to be seeing the midwives every 2 weeks.

We met with Suzanne. She was the first midwife we met with back in October. I really like her. She really listens and is very excited about you. Last time she saw you, you were 9 weeks old, an embryo! I had my blood pressure taken and it was 140/80...really high. Suzanne was concerned so she took it again and it was still high so she ordered some blood work. I have to go in tomorrow morning to have my blood pressure taken again. I hope it has gone down.

After that she felt you inside of me, took a measurement of my uterus and then listened to your heartbeat. I love hearing your heartbeat sweetie, it's so strong. I have to get new batteries for my digital recorder but I will post your heartbeat tomorrow.

After meeting with the midwife, I went back downstairs to have my blood drawn. We'll find out the results of the blood work tomorrow. Wish us well, little O.

Mommie at the midwives office

The midwives tools...

Your development!

Today your Daddy and I went to the closing reception for the staff art show at my work. Staff members were allowed to submit their work and then a curator picked what pieces to put up. She hung some of my photographs so we went to look at them and the other pieces. There were paintings, sculptures, screen prints and photographs.

Mommie with her photographs

Remember when I had a really bad nosebleed the other day? Well, I went online and various sites said that it could be due to the dry air in our apartment. I have been waking up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe because my nose is so dry. It's kind of funny because I used to make fun of your Lela Carmen when she would say that and now I'm like that too! The sites suggested using a humidifier for the winter months. I went online and found the cutest humidifier. I hope you like frogs sweetie! Here he is:

We have been using him for the last two nights and I can already feel a difference and no bloody nose! Yay!

And now on to some random pictures...

Our yummie dinner last night

Huge donuts at the Donut Man (we didn't get one)

I'm going to go relax with your Daddy now. I love you sweetie!
