Thursday, February 1, 2007

Week 26: Blessed

Hi O,

Sorry it's been a while, miss me? You know I'm not a very religious person, although sometimes how I act me seem otherwise, like in New Mexico when I wanted to go to every church! But anyways, what I was going to say is that while I'm not very religious, lately I can't help but feel blessed. As if your Mommy coming into my life wasn't enough of a blessing for me, there's YOU, and overall everything else in my life. The fact we have a wonderful home to come to every day, that we have caring families eagerly anticipating your arrival, the fact we have plenty of food to eat, etc... I don't know who to thank for everything that is so great in my life of late? Maybe I was due for some good fortune? Maybe, as Mommy said, it's payment for having done something wonderful in a past life? Or, maybe, just maybe, this is what life is all about! No waiting for something bad to happen, but enjoying everything that is great in life. No glass half empty view here! I'm soo excited that the days are counting down for you to join us O! Think I'll be a good dad, maybe I'll ask your Tio Jonathan for some pointers, he seems like a good father? Or your grandfathers, both have done a great job as far as I can see. I hope you grow to appreciate everything your Mommy and I are doing now and will do in the future for you as you face numerous challenges in this world.

You know it's funny but I always remember this one summer day, when I was like 13 years old, and while I was working it wasn't full time and I would mostly play basketball all day every day during the summer, well this one day I was at the lake with my family and talking to my cousin David. So we are talking about life and what not and he says to me, enjoy your youth (or something like that) because before you know it you're working and have responsibilities and your life is never the same. Well, for a little while I used to think back to that conversation and be almost sad, because being an adult wasn't all it seemed it would be when we are little kids and birthdays don't seem to be coming fast enough! But, now I think back at that conversation and with the wisdom of experience laugh. Laugh at how true it was, but also how it didn't convey any of the happiness with change that comes and only sadness. Sure things change, every day, but change is good, and you, for example, are the best change I think I'll ever experience.

Anyhow, love you tons and chat soon.
