Monday, February 19, 2007

Week 28: Politics as Usual

Hi O,

I wonder how things are going for you? Daddy is relaxing a bit today, have no work, which ordinarily would be good but since working as a temp I don't get paid for day off, oh well. But not working and watching a rented movie is not that bad actually. Too bad your Mommy couldn't be with me today.

Today and for a little while now I've been thinking equal parts about you, your Mommy, and I (more specifically what I'm going to be doing career-wise). Your Mommy is strong, so while I worry about her I know she'll be ok. You I'm also sure will be ok, because Mommy and Daddy are doing everything in their power to make that happen. Me, well, I think I'll be ok but it's not as easy to let my mind believe that, even if with your Mommy by my side it will surely happen. Speaking of my mind and getting it to do something, did I mention I have a hard time sleeping at night? Hope you don't turn out like your Daddy on this trait!

You see O, my mind is always "on." I wake up in the middle of the night and have to force myself to go back to sleep, which is made a little bit easier because I have your Mommy to cuddle with in bed.

So I was thinking you should know a couple things about what is happening in the world right before you were born.

Where to start? Well, in my opinion there are two huge issues affecting the whole world and more close to home, us in Massachusetts. The war in Iraq, and the war at home. The war in Iraq is sad to talk about, and every day there is sad news in reference to it, but I won't take this forum to talk about politics, well sort of.

The "war at home" also has to do with politics, and more specifically why other people think they have the right to dictate how people should live thier lives. This means why some people can't go about their lives knowing there are same sex couples living happily in this world. Or it can mean why some people think they have the right to take the choice to have a child away from a woman. I know they are all sad issues to discuss but my hope in doing so is that you can look back at these words how I might writing about slavery not too long ago, or women not having the right to vote.

Optimistic? Sure, but change can happen quickly, and I'm confident with people like your Mommy around in this world anything can happen. Love you O.
