Saturday, February 3, 2007

Week 26: We're healthy!

Good morning sweetie :)

Your Daddy is taking a shower right now and I'm boiling water for potatoes. You're awake too and kicking like crazy. I went to see the midwives yesterday. I had to wait in the waiting room for about an hour because they were so busy. I talked to you while I was waiting and told you that we were in this together and that I hoped I was healthy for you. You gave me a high five when I was done talking, it was really cute. Once I was called, they took my weight, took a urine sample and then (what I was dreading) took my blood pressure again. It's down, sweetie! It was 130/80 which is still high but in the normal range. All my other blood work came back normal including my iron levels and I don't have gestational diabetes. Yay! The midwife suggested that I keep sleeping on my left side because that helps to lower blood pressure and to make sure I don't stress out. I'll see what I can do. The midwife also let me listen to your heartbeat again yesterday but you were moving around so much that I couldn't hear much. I don't think you like the doppler sweetie. It helps us know if you're okay though so I hope you learn to like it. It's time for breakfast now so we'll talk to you later. Love you!

(26 weeks, 4 days)