Saturday, February 10, 2007

Week 27: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

My Dear Grandchild,

Well hello there, how are things? I just wanted to write to let you know I've had you on my mind a lot. Today I went to the Thrift Store at my church. It's opens on Saturdays from 10:00-1:00. I stop by and help when I have some time. I was received very warmly because 3 of the ladies that usually help were out sick. Many people are getting sick with the flu this year because of the crazy weather. Even Titi Jomaira has a bad cold, but I'm glad you're in a safe, warm place.

Let me tell you about some of the things that happen at my job. I work in an elementary school. The students are always making me laugh with the things they do. This teacher was walking down the hallway and she heard a voice saying "Hello, anyone there?'' She looked around and didn't see anyone. Then she heard the voice again. It was a fourth grader who had locked himself in his locker. The teacher had to find a locker master key to get him out.

There's a teacher called Mrs. Papacostas who works with kindergarten children. This little boy came up to her and exclaimed, "You're not a PAPAcostas, your a MAMAcostas!" Now, how cute is that!

We receive a lot of new students, many from outside the state. I have to give a reading test to the new arrival students. So I usually go to the room and say, Good morning, I'm here to test Linda Fuentes." The child gives me a puzzled look and asks, "How do you my name?" --- My response most times is, "I know everyone"s name." But one day this child was sent to my room, he had just enrolled (so I didn't know his name). When I asked him, "What is your name?" -- he responded Luis, which is a Hispanic name. So I asked, "What's your last name?" He just couldn't remember. So I just started saying last names Garcia, Gonzalez, Ortiz, Rodriguez, Rivera, Perez, Martinez, Medina, Mendez, Jimenez, Ramos, Arce, Flores, Cruz, Roman, Diaz, Lopez, Santana, Sanchez, Santiago, Torres, Hernandez to which he shook his head and said Hernandez. worked like a charm!

Well I will write you soon, God willing. Oh, I heard that The Fernandez Clan is visiting mommie and dadddy today. I hope you all have a great time! God bless you little one.

Love you so,
Lela Carmen