Monday, February 26, 2007

Week 29: Dreams

Hi little O. :)

I had another birthing dream on Saturday. I had a dream that I gave birth to twins (yes, twins again) but they were tiny. They hatched from an egg but I still gave birth to them. They were maybe 2.5 inches long and were all wrapped up and had little hats (just like the hairless rats). They were so small and I didn't know where to put them down to sleep so I put a few blankets in a drawer in my dresser and put them in there. I forgot about them for a day though and when I came back I was afraid they would be dead but they were still alive so I tried to breastfeed them but I didn't know how to do it and since they were so small I kept almost drowning them with breastmilk. One of them died the next day but I kept them in the drawer next to their sibling. Weird, huh? I don't know why I keep having dreams of twins. According to the ultrasounds there is only one of you in there. Sometimes twins absorb each other early in pregnancy though. Maybe you had a little sibling and you absorbed them? Or maybe Mommie is crazy...who knows.

My friend Becca sent you a gift this week...four Dr. Seuss books! We'll have to read them to you soon. I love you sweetie!

(29 weeks, 6 days)