Friday, February 16, 2007

Week 28: Pediatricians

Good morning little O. :)

Your Daddy is taking a shower right now but I'm in bed because I have a midwife appointment this morning so I don't have to get up for another few hours...yay!

Apparently you don't like sleeping at night because you have been moving around constantly since around 10pm last night. Your Daddy got to see you moving around last night and was shocked by the force of your movements. You always seem to calm down when Daddy touches my belly which is good.

I forgot to tell you about something else we did on our snow day. We made an appointment to interview pediatricians. Our first appointment is with the Northampton Area Pediatrics. They have two offices. one in Northampton and one in the town where we work so that's nice. We have to come up with a list of questions to ask them about you and your care but the appointment is not for another few weeks so we have time to think about it.

I'm going to go make your Daddy some pancakes (his favorite) for breakfast so he has energy to get through the day. This weekend is going to be busy with back to back childbirth classes on Saturday and Sunday so I hope we get to relax a bit tonight. I love you sweetie!

(28 weeks, 3 days)