Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Week 27: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

My Dear Baby,

I am so sorry for not writing to you this weekend. It has been a busy week, but I have to make time for you. I will try to write on time from now on. I am looking foward to meeting your paternal grandparents, aunties and uncles. I've seen several pictures that your parents have posted on this blog, and they look like a likable bunch.

Your mommie is walking differently these days trying to balance her weight, she looks so cute (but then, she's my daughter.) Your daddy is so considerate of her, such a gentleman. They make a great couple. They are so involved in everything that has to do with you. Sometimes I just listen in amazement about what they are doing in preparation for little you. I have no doubt that they will make great parents. It's an exciting time for them, and you are very, very, lucky to have such loving parents.

This reminds me of one of my favorite childrens' books: The Giving Tree. I will get you a copy so that you can hear how beautiful it is for both children and adults. This website has a review of the book.

Well, I will write this weekend. May God Almighty continue to bless the Fernandez-Rincon household, or is it the Rincon-Fernandez household? It really doesn't matter I'm sure.

Love you so,
Lela Carmen