Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Week 29: Sleepy Mommie

Good afternoon sweetie :)

I slept a lot last night but I'm still really tired. The energy from the second trimester is definitely gone. I'm not as exhausted as I was during the first trimester though so that's good but all I want to do is curl up in bed and nap.

You have been doing this new move lately. I think you have been doing somersaults. Are you going to be a gymnast when you're older? You kind of twist your whole body and then you shake a little bit. Daddy felt it last night too and was amazed.

Things are really busy for me at work lately because two of the programs I plan are happening in March and then we have our annual conference that takes place at the end of March. It's a lot of fun and last year we had over 1,000 people attend but it's also a lot of work. I'm trying to take it easy though because Mommie needs her rest too.

I love you!
