Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Week 30: Flashlight

Hi O :)

I forgot to tell you that we played a game with you this morning. Daddy was using his flashlight to look inside his closet this morning so he wouldn't have to turn on the light and wake me up. I saw him with the flashlight and told him to bring it over because I have been reading in my pregnancy newsletters that since your eyes are open now, you turn away from light. So I asked Daddy to shine the flashlight on my tummie. After a few seconds of the light being on my tummie you moved around! I hope it didn't bother you but I guess your eyes are really open and you can see the light. How cute sweetie!

Love you!


Week 30: My turn to have dreams

Hi O,

How's Mommy been treating you? Is that limeade hitting the spot? Guess what? I've had two dreams about you in the last three nights, weird huh? A couple nights ago I had a dream that Mommy had this plastic extra belly thing that had a fake baby in it that she could take off, but you were still in her belly only her belly was smaller. Don't know what that means? Then I had a dream that you threwup on me and then had a spoiled diaper I had to change. Wonder what that means. Anyways, I was fine cleaning both you and myself up, so I hope that is a good sign.

I've been thinking about my employment options, but in a different manner of late, with you in mind in several ways. First I think about what is best to support us financially, then about what you'll think about me having certain jobs in the future, and then about what is best to take care of you (daycare, hospital, etc.). All three are hard to match up together, so trying to find a job that accomodates at least two.

I'm real proud of the jobs my father has had over his life, and it means a lot to me for you to feel the same way about me and my employment. Do you know how proud I am of the work your Mommy does? And how proud I am of how she carries herself at her work while carrying you? It's can't be easy to be doing as much work as your Mommy does while having you in her belly, but seeing her at work firsthand it's amazing how good she is at what she does. I hope whatever you do for work in the future you'll be the best at it, or try to be at least. Speaking of jobs, got to finish a couple more applications so chat later O.

Oh one last thing, in case things don't work out as Danny Ainge is planning (GM of the Celtics now), I should tell you that if the Celtics aren't good when you are growing up they can't be as bad as they are this year. Right now they have the worst record in the NBA, and if that isn't sad enough both the team management and fans (including myself) want to see them keep losing this year to have a better shot at drafting either Greg Oden or Kevin Durant. Wonder what kind of career both of them will have had by the time you are reading this. Take care little O.


Week 30: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O. :)

Happy 30th week birthday!!

You're 7 1/2 months today!!

According to Parenting magazine & Pampers, you can go to sleep now. When you're not asleep, you're busy making faces, bopping around, hiccuping, and nudging me.

You weigh about three pounds and are 17 inches long.

You're close to having a fully functioning nervous system that regulates the body, and your nerve fibers are now encased in myelin, which allows impulses to travel faster.

Your brain continues its amazing development. Up until now, its surface has been smooth. This week, the brain begins to take on its distinctly wrinkled appearance. These wrinkles are called convolutions, and they allow the brain to hold more brain cells.

As some things develop, others disappear, like lanugo, the ultrafine hair that covered your body. You may still have patches of it on your back and shoulders, however.

You're 3 pounds sweetie! Aww...I wonder how many pounds you'll be when you come out. We only have 10 more weeks to go sweet pea. I hope you're still enjoying yourself in there.

Last night, Mommie had a prenatal massage at the Center for Complementary Therapies, at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. It was weird to be at the hospital where you will be born. I kept thinking about 10 weeks from now and how much pain I might be in. The massage therapist kept telling me to relax and that I was too tense...wonder why! The massage was really nice. She massaged my legs, hips, shoulder, lower back and arms. For the first part of the massage I got to lay on my tummie, something I haven't done in such a long time. She put all these pillows on the massage table and then left a hole for my belly so I could do that. It was really nice. You were moving around a lot during the whole massage and I think you freaked out the massage therapist a few times by how much you were moving and that she could see you moving (maybe she hasn't been around many pregnant Mommies). I get to go again in a few weeks, can't wait!

I love you sweetie. :)


Monday, February 26, 2007

Week 29: Academy Awards

Hi sweet pea :)

I don't know if you'll be into movies when you're older but the Academy Awards were last night and here is who won:

Best Motion Picture: "The Departed"
Lead Actor: Forest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland"
Lead Actress: Helen Mirren, "The Queen"
Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin, "Little Miss Sunshine"
Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson, "Dreamgirls"
Directing: Martin Scorsese, "The Departed"
Foreign Language Film: "The Lives of Others," Germany
Adapted Screenplay: William Monahan, "The Departed"
Original Screenplay: Michael Arndt, "Little Miss Sunshine"
Animated Feature Film: "Happy Feet"
Art Direction: "Pan's Labyrinth"
Cinematography: "Pan's Labyrinth"
Sound Mixing: "Dreamgirls"
Sound Editing: "Letters From Iwo Jima"
Original Score: "Babel," Gustavo Santaolalla
Original Song: "I Need to Wake Up" from "An Inconvenient Truth," Melissa Etheridge
Costume: "Marie Antoinette"
Documentary Feature: "An Inconvenient Truth"
Documentary Short Subject: "The Blood of Yingzhou District"
Film Editing: "The Departed"
Makeup: "Pan's Labyrinth"
Animated Short Film: "The Danish Poet"
Live Action Short Film: "West Bank Story"
Visual Effects: "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"

Your Daddy & I had a little contest where we predicted the winners. The score? Daddy 7, Mommie 8. I'm not sure what my prize is yet. :) Love you!


Week 29: Dreams

Hi little O. :)

I had another birthing dream on Saturday. I had a dream that I gave birth to twins (yes, twins again) but they were tiny. They hatched from an egg but I still gave birth to them. They were maybe 2.5 inches long and were all wrapped up and had little hats (just like the hairless rats). They were so small and I didn't know where to put them down to sleep so I put a few blankets in a drawer in my dresser and put them in there. I forgot about them for a day though and when I came back I was afraid they would be dead but they were still alive so I tried to breastfeed them but I didn't know how to do it and since they were so small I kept almost drowning them with breastmilk. One of them died the next day but I kept them in the drawer next to their sibling. Weird, huh? I don't know why I keep having dreams of twins. According to the ultrasounds there is only one of you in there. Sometimes twins absorb each other early in pregnancy though. Maybe you had a little sibling and you absorbed them? Or maybe Mommie is crazy...who knows.

My friend Becca sent you a gift this week...four Dr. Seuss books! We'll have to read them to you soon. I love you sweetie!

(29 weeks, 6 days)

Week 29: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Baby,

They say be careful what you wish for...well, there are about 4 inches of snow and no school. I was hoping for a delay, but this makes 2 snow days we'll have to make up. When I was a young girl school was rarely closed due to snow--unless it was a blizzard of sorts. You'll probably like snow, it's quite beautiful. Kids have fun playing in it and with it. It's not so great for the adults who have to clear sidewalks, cars and drive in it. Papa had to shovel this morning before going to work, but light snow is still falling.

Well little one, wishing you, your mommie and daddy a fabulous day!

Lela Carmen

Week 29: Whoa

Good morning O,

It's monday and normally that means back to work, but your Mommy and I put in a lot of hours of work this past weekend. You see your Mommy and is looking for a site for a retreat for her job so we checked out three places over the weekend, two in Connecticut and one in New York. Oh and can't forget to mention that your grandparents met for the first time! Where do I start?

Well Saturday we were up pretty early to check out the two sites in Connecticut, The Trinity Conference Center, in West Cornwall, which was pretty nice. Before we got there we passed over a covered bride, both mine and your first! The area was covered in snow but still looked real pretty, and I could only imagine how nice it must be in the summer. Then from there we went to Wisdom House, in Litchfield Connecticut, that was nice but not as fancy, and we got a yummy lunch there.

Pretty snow at Trinity

Then we had to rush over to your Mommy's parent's house to pick them up to take them to meet my parents. Your Mommy's parent's were dressed real nice for the occassion and before we knew it we were at my parent's home. It was fun there, your grandparents seemed to get along quite well, and your Mommy and I had a fun time with your Tio Toti and Tias Krysten, Tatiana y Lucy. After another yummy meal, courtesy su abuelita Mayela y Tia Lucy, we headed home. Pretty busy Saturday huh?

Abuelito Jorgensen, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar

Abuelito Jorgensen, Abuelita Mayela, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar

Mommie, Daddy, Abuelito Jorgensen, Abuelita Mayela, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar

Mommie & Daddy

Abuelito Jorgensen, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar enjoying tea

Sunday we got up almost as early and headed to upstate New York to Phoenicia to see the Menla Mountain Retereat and Conference Center. On the way there we saw deer running both across and along the road. The area with mountains and rivers was so stunning. Then when we got to the retreat center boy was this place nice! It was so beautiful and spiritual. Your Mommy and I kept thinking how we could find a way to stay there. The Dalai Lama stayed there not too long ago, crazy huh? Oh the Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan people, too put it simply. It was a long drive, almost three hours to get there and we had a few issues when we did get there, but it was soo worth it.

Daddy at Menla

Mommie going into one of the houses

After the long drive back home your Mommy and I went food shopping and then called it a day. Whew. What a weekend. You know I love spending time with you and your Mommy so much that it really didn't feel like work at all. Well, gotta run but chat later. Love you.

(29 weeks, 6 days)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Week 29: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Little One,

It's Sunday night and my week of rest and freedom has come to an end. But there still is a glimpse of hope, they are predicting snow for tonight. You would think that an adult would not be excited about this, but what can I say. Oh, I don't really like a day off, these you have to make up in June. But I love 90 minute delays. You see I have a 10 minute comute to work, so 90 minutes means an additional hour of rest, not bad!

On Saturday your daddy and mommie drove to Brookline, Ma. and papa and I got to meet the Fernandez Family. The food was great and we enjoyed our conversation with your grandparents and uncle and aunties. They received us with such warmth, we had a wonderful time. Thank-you Fernandez Family!

I really like the town of Brookline. I only saw part of it, but it seems like a great place to live. Windsor, where I live is very different. It's a small New England town with a few shops and town hall.

The Academy Awards are on tonight and I'm watching them as I write to you. I hope they are entertaining.

I just took a peek out the window to see if it has started snowing, but it hasn't. Well, let's see how well the forecasters have done.

Little one, May God Almighty continue taking special care of you.

Much love,
Lela Carmen

Friday, February 23, 2007

Week 29: Lela Carmen's Birthday!

Good morning sweetie pie :)

Guess what? It's Lela Carmen's birthday today! She was born 56 years ago today in Puerto Rico.
Happy Birthday Lela!!

It snowed again last night little O. Everything is covered in snow today and it's so pretty. Here is a view from my office:

Did we tell you that we got you a little winter snow suit when we were at Salvation Army last week? It's for 9-12 month olds so it should start fitting you around January next year. It's so cute it also came with a little hat and mittens that you can wear when we take you sledding.

Love you!

(29 weeks, 3 days)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Week 29: Hawk and Food

Hi O, it's Daddy, or what I might prefer to hear you call me, Papi, or Pa (like I call my father). Yesterday was real busy for me at work. I saw a hawk upclose in front of the building I work at . What a beautiful animal. Here is what he looked like.

After a crazy day at work I came home to a pleasant surpirse, your Mommy had cooked a feast worth of food! She really is too good for me! She made Rice, Beans, Pasta Salad, Fruit Salad, Tempeh, and Apple Crisp! It was amazing to see and real yummy to eat! I especially loved the pasta salad (which I had more of this morning and will be having more of for lunch!).

Mommy Served before Daddy, she did cook it all!

Yum, can't get enough of this

Goes great with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, did you like it O?

After dinner your Mommy and I went to see a play at UMass called Platanos and Collard Greens that was real entertaining. It was about the difficulties Blacks and Latinos face in society because of their multicultural ancestry. It was a real nice day, and I hope your Mommy had a nice day as well.

Week 29: Walks

Hi little O. :)

Something amazing is happening right now...your Daddy is taking a nap! We were reading in bed and I looked over and Daddy was asleep with his book opened and his glasses still on. So so cute. It's too hot in our bedroom for me so I'm out in the living room where it's a little cooler.

Your Daddy and I went on a walk yesterday. We walked all the way to the library which is far for Mommie. I can't walk very fast and I get out of breath if the ground is not flat but I know it's good for us to go for walks. I was looking for a specific book at the library but it was out so your Daddy got a book about fatherhood and I got a bunch of books about childbirth. I also got a Baby Einstein book that talks about different things that we should do to stimulate your brain and senses. You will apparently love mirrors and rattles. We'll see...

I'm looking forward to seeing the Fernandez familia in a few days. They're always fun to be around, I can't wait for you to meet them.

Love you sweet pea!

(29 weeks, 1 day)

Week 29: Big as a house!

Your Mommie is as big as a house. I forgot on Tuesday that I was going to start posting photos of what I look like every week. Here is the first one, Mommie at 29 weeks. Crazyness!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Week 29: Sleepy Mommie

Good afternoon sweetie :)

I slept a lot last night but I'm still really tired. The energy from the second trimester is definitely gone. I'm not as exhausted as I was during the first trimester though so that's good but all I want to do is curl up in bed and nap.

You have been doing this new move lately. I think you have been doing somersaults. Are you going to be a gymnast when you're older? You kind of twist your whole body and then you shake a little bit. Daddy felt it last night too and was amazed.

Things are really busy for me at work lately because two of the programs I plan are happening in March and then we have our annual conference that takes place at the end of March. It's a lot of fun and last year we had over 1,000 people attend but it's also a lot of work. I'm trying to take it easy though because Mommie needs her rest too.

I love you!


Week 29: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:


¿Cómo están las cosas en tu pequeño mundo? Estaba preparando una cremita de maíz para tu prima Yazmín, y recordé lo mucho que a tu mamita le gustaba cuando era niña. Resulta que ahora le gusta la cremita del negrito como la llamaba su abuela paterna. Laíta, su abuela, se refería al dibujo del hombre en la caja de "Cream of Wheat." El deseo de comer esta cremita, tan a menudo, no es mala idea. Estoy segura que a tu mamita le produce una calientito que tu también disfrutas. Además, para época de invierno es bueno comer algo caliente -- quisas para abril le de con comerse algo más resfrescante.

Todos estamos esperando tu llegada en mayo, asi que sigue creciendo y si Dios permite, nos vemos pronto.

Con amor,
Lela Carmen
(29 weeks, 1 day)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Week 29: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi little O. :)

Happy 29th week birthday!!

I know I say it practically every week now but I can't believe how big you're getting.

According to Pampers, you're about 2.7 pounds and crown to rump you measure 10.4 inches. Oh my!

A premature baby was born recently. She was only 21 weeks and 6 days old and she has survived and is doing well. We don't want you to come out until 40 weeks sweetie pie but I'm so happy to know that you would have a good chance of being okay if you came out early. Don't get any ideas though!

Other things about you this week:

This week marks an important milestone in your brain development: The brain has matured to the point where it can help regulate body temperature. Of course, you aren't ready to do it all on your own yet; you still need the warmth of my body to keep you toasty until birth. You also continue to develop nerve cells in your brain. By the time you're born, you'll have hundreds of billions of them. That seems like a lot, but you need to stock up, since you won't produce any more after birth.

You are looking more like a full-term baby, too. You're plumping up nicely; the surface of your skin is smoother and paler because of the fat you're starting to gain. This fat will be an important factor in your ability to keep warm. You also have eyelashes; you may be batting them at me right now!

Aww...sweetie, you have eyelashes now? Your Daddy has really pretty eyelashes. I wonder if you'll have eyelashes like him. Mommie is a little tired today...I didn't sleep so well last night so I hope I can get some rest tonight.

It was your Abuelito Jorgensen's birthday yesterday...Happy Birthday!! It's also your Lela Carmen's birthday on Friday. So many birthdays! Back to work for Mommie.


Week 29: Feliz Cumplesemana

Hi O! I had a nice day off from work yesterday. Watched The Guardian, a movie about Coast Guard rescuers, did a couple things around the house, including looking into why our gas bill went up so much, but mostly relaxed. I started off the day dropping off your Mommy and helping her further inflate her birthing ball, it looks kinda funny in her office, and ended the day applying to another job.

I'm getting real excited about your grandparents meeting this weekend, I hope everything goes well. I'm sure they will get along, all of them are nice people and care a lot about you, your Mommy and I. I still think I look weird with my new harcut! I wonder how much hair you will be born with? I remember my little sister, Krysten, was born with a ton of hair!

I know I mentioned it before, but I really like our new childborth classes. I've learned a ton of information, and between the classes and asking your Mommy, she's knows a bunch too, I feel more comfortable with your birth than I ever would have imagined I would. Just last night I was showing off new facts I learned in class to my mother!

Like Mommy mentioned she made some fish last night, but she didn't emphasize how yummy it was! I'm usually not one for fish, more of a chicken person, but I had to work hard to not eat all of it! Your Mommy gets into a little zone when she is cooking that is so cute to watch. I wonder what you'll grow up liking to eat. I hope you'll eat plenty of healthy foods and live a long healthy life to be able to teach your children to eat well also.

I was thinking about how different, in a good way, things will be when you join your Mommy and I out here. I can't wait to hold you and look into your eyes. They say a child can tell it's Mommy from birth, but what about me? I hope you recognize me as well. I need to talk to you more so you can recognize my voice. I love you so much O. Every day I wake up and look at your little cubbie of clothes next to mine and go to sleep doing the same. It would be nice to share cubbie space with you when you are older to watch you put clothes on from your cubbie while I do the same from mine! Just a thought. Take care O.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Week 28: I can't see my feet!

Hi O :)

Okay something weird just happened. Yesterday in childbirth class one of the Mommies said it was weird to not be able to see her feet anymore. She is a month further along than me so I thought to myself..."aww...that must be weird, glad I can still see my feet!" Well, guess who was wrong? I was just taking a shower and I can't see my feet when I look down!! If I bend forward a bunch I can see them but just looking down there is no way I can see them. Crazyness!

Love you!

Week 28: Titi Lisa!

Guest Post from Auntie Lisa:

Hello Little Baby! I hope all is well and you have a enough room to stretch and kick :) I have been very busy with school, Yasmin and Jalil, and planning the baby shower for you and your parents! I enjoy staying busy...

I wanted to just check in with you and keep you posted on me being here. Keep growing and God Bless.

Auntie Lisa

Week 28: Dinner with your parents

Hi sweet pea :)

You have been pretty quiet for the last few hours. Could little O actually be sleeping? I hope so sweetie...you need rest.

So like your Daddy said, we had childbirth class on Saturday and Sunday. I really really liked them. We were originally going to take a Childbirth 101 class at Cooley Dickinson Hospital but our doula told us about a childbirth instructor named Vicki Elson who teaches more holistic childbirth classes. We also found out that the class at the hospital was going to be taught by the same instructor who taught our Hypnobirthing class and we thought she was a little wacky so we were happy to take a class with someone else.

The class is held at Northampton Wellness Center, a medical practice that focuses on alternative medicine. This is the center where I saw a doctor who prescribed Vitamin B shots to me about a year ago. I bought the shots but never ended up taking them because something about poking myself with a needle felt weird to me.

On Saturday, we went into the center to find a room full of recliners for us to sit in. I was so happy! In the class there are 6 other couples and two observers. One of the observers is our doula, Jen. I'm so glad she's taking the class with us because we get to spend more time with her. The other observer is a woman who is training to be a doula in a month or so. She is also learning Tibetan Medicine and is a massage therapist. The are two single moms in the group. One of them lives on a farm and has sheep and chicken and horses. She's a carpenter and her older sister is her labor partner. The other one is a psychologist and has been trying for a long time to have a baby. Her partner is her friend who just retired as a psychiatric nurse practioner. Another couple is a Mommie and Daddy who are newlyweds. The Daddy has two young daughters from a previous marriage and they are expecting a boy so they're really excited. Another couple is made up of two Mommies, one is a music manager and the other has her own painting business. Another couple is a Mommie and a Daddy and she's a teacher and he's from Cuba and is a dancer and Quaker pastor. Then there's us!

When we first got there we went around and did introductions. We had to say what our name was, how far along we were, where we lived, any quirks about ourselves and what medical practice we were being seen by. The two observers and two couples spoke and then it was your Daddy's turn. He introduced himself and said that his quirk was that he couldn't sleep at night. Then I introduced myself and said I have no quirks (ha!).

It was really nice and then we took a break and the partners were instructed to talk with each other and the mommies had to talk to each other. I talkedwith the Mommies about all sorts of things. There was just one other Mommie who hadn't found out the sex of her baby and there are a few Mommies who are having homebirths. After that we talked about some good books to read and then our instructor showed us the documentary Birth Day about a homebirth in Mexico. It was pretty amazing. The Mommie gave birth in her bathtub with her entire family around her including her young sons.

On Sunday, we saw slides of different births. It was a little scary, O. They were actual pictures from homebirths and they showed babies crowning and then coming out of their Mommies. I have no idea how my body is going to stretch like that sweetie pie. There were a lot of sweet pictures of Mommies breastfeeding their babies. I hope you'll be able to breastfeed too lovie. After that we talked about prenatal nutrition and exercise. This is when I started to feel bad because the instructor was saying how important it was to eat lots of vegetables and foods high in folic acid. I told everyone that all I wanted to do was eat Cream of Wheat and then I bowed my head in shame. After that we learned about how babies come out of their Mommies. The instructor showed us all of these models showing different stages of labor. It was amazing. You're going to have to work hard to get out little O but I know you can do it.

Your Daddy with "Gilbert"

Because I felt so guilty when we went grocery shopping last night your Daddy and I got all kinds of vegetables and fruits. We also got some fish. For dinner tonight, your Daddy made mashed potatoes and I worked on the fish which I was so afraid of overcooking but it came out yummie!

Daddy ready to eat!

Broiled Tilapia Parmesan, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, and Corn

I love you sweetie. I love learning so much about you. It's time to clean up a little bit so we'll talk soon. Mwah! (Oh, and you're up and kicking again, spoke too soon!)

(28 weeks, 6 days)

Week 28: Politics as Usual

Hi O,

I wonder how things are going for you? Daddy is relaxing a bit today, have no work, which ordinarily would be good but since working as a temp I don't get paid for day off, oh well. But not working and watching a rented movie is not that bad actually. Too bad your Mommy couldn't be with me today.

Today and for a little while now I've been thinking equal parts about you, your Mommy, and I (more specifically what I'm going to be doing career-wise). Your Mommy is strong, so while I worry about her I know she'll be ok. You I'm also sure will be ok, because Mommy and Daddy are doing everything in their power to make that happen. Me, well, I think I'll be ok but it's not as easy to let my mind believe that, even if with your Mommy by my side it will surely happen. Speaking of my mind and getting it to do something, did I mention I have a hard time sleeping at night? Hope you don't turn out like your Daddy on this trait!

You see O, my mind is always "on." I wake up in the middle of the night and have to force myself to go back to sleep, which is made a little bit easier because I have your Mommy to cuddle with in bed.

So I was thinking you should know a couple things about what is happening in the world right before you were born.

Where to start? Well, in my opinion there are two huge issues affecting the whole world and more close to home, us in Massachusetts. The war in Iraq, and the war at home. The war in Iraq is sad to talk about, and every day there is sad news in reference to it, but I won't take this forum to talk about politics, well sort of.

The "war at home" also has to do with politics, and more specifically why other people think they have the right to dictate how people should live thier lives. This means why some people can't go about their lives knowing there are same sex couples living happily in this world. Or it can mean why some people think they have the right to take the choice to have a child away from a woman. I know they are all sad issues to discuss but my hope in doing so is that you can look back at these words how I might writing about slavery not too long ago, or women not having the right to vote.

Optimistic? Sure, but change can happen quickly, and I'm confident with people like your Mommy around in this world anything can happen. Love you O.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Week 28: Eager Anticipation

Hi O, it's Daddy. Things have been ok of late, little worried about what I'm going to do for work both now and in the future, and how you coming into my life affects this decision, but I'm so happy with my life right now, with Mommy and you, that the worry feelings are largely consumed by the happy feelings!

Your Mommy and I went to our first birthing class yesterday of this new class we signed up for. I liked it a lot and I think your Mommy did too. It was nice, hanging out with other people that are expecting little bundles of joy, and their supporters, only a couple things were a little odd. You see O, we live in an area that is not very "traditional" as far as how babies are treated both before and after they enter this world. This is actually a good thing because your Mommy and I aren't all that "traditional" about our views as well, but sometimes this can lead to odd practices. Take for example the fact that there exists some people where we live that are against the chicken pox vaccine, thus bring their child to play with another child that has chicken pox to "infect" their child to build immunities for the virus in their body. Makes sense right? Well it does but it sounds kinda funny to hear of parents bringing their children together solely for the purpose of getting them infected with a virus doesn't it? Well it does for me at least.

The highlight of the class yesterday was watching this great video of this woman giving birth to a child, it was pretty amazing. I never knew babies were born purple/blue! Good thing I know this now to not be worried when you come out like this. The birth video was nice, it was narrated by the mother, after she had given birth, and she had a very positive outlook on births, maybe because she is a midwife. The only thing about the video is that she looked a little scary while giving birth, and I couldn't help but wonder what your Mommy will look like when you are close to joining us? No matter, I'll be there supporting her and you nonetheless!

We've done a lot in the apartment of late, and every day it gets closer and closer to being ready for you! Yesterday I folded the first clothes your Mommy and I bought for you, used from the Salvation Army last Thursday, and made room in my clothes shelf for you to have your own little cubbie! I was smiling the whole time I was folding your clothes and putting it away, next to mine!

At Salvation Army with all of your clothes!

Next weekend your grandparents are going to meet for the first time, can't wait for that. The meeting is long overdue! I think they will get along just fine. It will be nice for my mother to meet my new adopted mother for once.

Oh maybe this is off topic a bit, but I can't stop thinking about this baked potato soup I had yesterday at Panera Bread, it was pretty yummy! You know your grandfather, my Daddy, loves soups too! I'm more picky than he is about soups, and prefer only thicker one's. Well, tomorrow I have the day off and will surely write to you again. Until then hope things are comfy in Mommy for you.

(28 weeks, 5 days)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Week 28: Daddy gets a haircut

Hi O. :)

Well, Britney Spears is not the only one that shaved her head today. Your Daddy got a haircut too!



Week 28: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Good morning!

Hello baby, how are you developing? It's Saturday morning and I wanted to write before I go outside in the cold February weather. Well, relatively speaking, it's not that cold today--the winds have diminished. So how has your week been? ...busy turning and stretching. I'm sure your mommie would agree with me. I kind of felt you kick the other day. It seems you're getting big for your space. Well pretty soon you will have lots of space, but you wiil still curl up to fall asleep.

Do you hear mommie and daddy when they read to you? They have selected some wonderful books for you. I used to read to mommie when she was a little girl. Now, as a grown-up, she continues to enjoy books. I hope you will have a love for books as your parents do.

Your Papa Cesar is always reading, he also likes to see Jeopardy, and sports. I enjoy reading, but I also like to watch movies. Papa is not into movies, but I get him to see Dancing with the Stars and American Idol with me.

Well I'm off to help out in the Thrift Shop at church and then maybe I'll go to Macy's. Oh did I mention I'm on vacation? Life is good!

Blessings to you, mommie, daddy and the Rincon and Fernandez Families.

Much love,
Lela Carmen

Week 28: We love Saturdays

Hi sweet pea :)

We got to sleep in this morning...Mommie & Daddy didn't wake up until 8am! Crazyness.

We just had breakfast. I made two egg and cheese sandwiches. One for Daddy and one for me. The problem is that the only thing I ever want to eat for breakfast these days (or for any other meal for that matter) is Cream of Wheat. Yes, Cream of Wheat.

yummie goodness!

I don't know what they put in that little red box but I crave it all the time. I was reading on the side of the box that it's a good nutritious meal for infants and toddlers so maybe you really like it too? I have Cream of Wheat at least once a day now, sometimes two or three. It's delish. I can't get enough of it. So I ate half of my sandwich this morning and then quickly made some Cream of Wheat. I feel so much better now. Other things that your Mommie really likes right now:
  • Pineapple, mangoes, kiwi, and oranges
  • Care Bear Fruit Snacks (only Care Bear...I don't like Hello Kitty or Monsters, Inc.)
  • Hot chocolate with whipped cream
  • Orange juice with calcium and no pulp
  • Extra sharp cheddar cheese (white)
  • Cheese puffs
And that's about it. Oh man I hope you're getting enough vitamins and all that. You'll notice that my prenatal vitamin wasn't on the list of things I really like but I've been taking it so hopefully that will counter balance the stuff I'm eating.

We have childbirth class in a few hours but your Daddy is going to go get his hair cut before class. Yes, your Daddy is taming his hair a little bit. We'll post before and after pictures later.

Love you!

(28 weeks, 4 days)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Week 28: Pediatricians

Good morning little O. :)

Your Daddy is taking a shower right now but I'm in bed because I have a midwife appointment this morning so I don't have to get up for another few hours...yay!

Apparently you don't like sleeping at night because you have been moving around constantly since around 10pm last night. Your Daddy got to see you moving around last night and was shocked by the force of your movements. You always seem to calm down when Daddy touches my belly which is good.

I forgot to tell you about something else we did on our snow day. We made an appointment to interview pediatricians. Our first appointment is with the Northampton Area Pediatrics. They have two offices. one in Northampton and one in the town where we work so that's nice. We have to come up with a list of questions to ask them about you and your care but the appointment is not for another few weeks so we have time to think about it.

I'm going to go make your Daddy some pancakes (his favorite) for breakfast so he has energy to get through the day. This weekend is going to be busy with back to back childbirth classes on Saturday and Sunday so I hope we get to relax a bit tonight. I love you sweetie!

(28 weeks, 3 days)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Week 28: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

So Little One, you have reached the 7 month mark. Pretty soon you will be making your grand entry.
Hope all is well with you, cozy and warm.

The weekend is almost here so I've decided to write to you. Next week I'll be on vacation. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I'm a bit excited, I'm not going anywhere special - which means, I'll be getting up late, not having to dress for work - just hanging out. That's all I need.

Here's a poem for you:


Precious one,
So small,
So sweet

Dancing in
on angel feet
Straight from Heaven's
brightest star

What a miracle
you are!

Much love,
Lela Carmen

Week 28: The day after

Yesterday, a snow day where Mommy and I didn't have to work was nice, today started off differently...I woke up at 6 am and looked outside to see our car buried in snow. It took me almost 30 minutes to shovel the snow around and on top of the car! Thankfully, your Mommy was nice enough to make me lunch because the shoveling took so long I just made it to work on time! Now my back is a little sore and today at work has been crazy, at least the work day has gone by quicker than normal. Kinda sad I likely won't go with Mommy to the gym after work because want to make sure my back doesn't get more sore. Anyways, tomorrow is Friday and can't wait for the weekend! We got our parent classes to attend where I hope to learn important things to help raise you, and help Mommy have you to begin with. I can't believe you are joining us sooo soon! Love you O (had to call you O one time in post, habit).


Week 28: Snow Day Happenings

Things your parents did on the snow day:
  • Woke up at 5:30am to the sounds of our landlord plowing (thank you, Manny!)
  • Turned on the TV News and saw that our schools had been closed (yay!)
  • Finished the 2nd season of the Office around 7am (which made us cry, oh Jim and Pam!)
  • Slept until 10:30am (Mommie only)
  • Had breakfast (Daddy had waffles, Mommie had Cream of Wheat)
  • Got the mail (poor post office people have to work in the elements)
  • Filled out the Northampton census including all the people living in our apartment (we couldn't put you down yet because you need to have a date of birth first)
  • Had a yummie lunch that your Daddy made of pasta with peppers and onions, veggie chicken burger, and roasted corn on the cob (Daddy is quite the chef lately)
  • Looked outside at the snow (It was very pretty but icy!)
  • Turned the heat up and down (Mommie is always hot)
  • Made the IKEA futon (very easy! now the mattress part has to expand...it takes a few days)
  • Had a delicious dinner of pizza, salad, and plantains
  • Did laundry (it's great to have a washer and dryer at home)
  • Folded laundry (Mommie has socks for days)
  • Made bed (with Daddy's 20 pound comforter)
  • Took showers (so we wouldn't look like bums)
  • Washed dishes (how can two people create so many dishes to wash?)
  • Watched the movie Sherry Baby (that was a downer)
  • Sat on the birthing ball (Mommie only)
  • Watched the L Word (we still don't like the 4th season)
  • Went to bed early (aww)
I don't know if I'm forgetting something but it was a great snow day. Maybe we'll have another one soon. I love you sweetie!

(28 weeks, 2 days)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Week 28: Snow Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, little O!

Your Daddy and I get to stay home with you today...both UMass and Hampshire are closed!! Yay!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Week 28: Coach of the Year!

Your Daddy did something last night that he's never done before. He won Coach of the Year on NBA Live. Congrats Daddy!

Week 28: It's going to snow a lot!

Your Daddy will be thrilled with this email that I just received:


Time of issue: 9:30AM 02/13/2007

City of Northampton Massachusetts
Department of Public Works
125 Locust Street, Northampton, MA 01060
Edward S. Huntley, P.E., Director

The City of Northampton DPW has declared an Extended Snow
Emergency until further notice. For the duration of this
emergency parking on all City streets and in City parking
lots is prohibited from 12:01AM to 6:00AM, except for Main
Street where parking is prohibited from 2:00AM to 7:00AM.


The Armory Street parking lot is open for use during snow
emergencies exceptfrom 8:00AM to 10:00AM and from 6:00PM
to 8:00PM to allow plowing there.

Snow Information 24hr Hotline: (413) 586-6969
Emergencies: 587-1100 (Dispatch) or 587-1570 (DPW)
Additional information & maps: nohodpw.org

Thank you for your cooperation.

Issued By:
Highway Superintendent

Week 28: Happy Cumplesemana y Cumplemes!

Good morning, O!

Happy 28th week birthday!!!

You're 7 months old today!!!

We made it sweetie...we're officially in the third trimester! You'll be coming out in 12 weeks or so...ahhh! Let's see, according to Pampers, you weigh about 2.3 pounds. Crown to rump, you measure 10 inches, but if I were to stretch you out you might be around 15 inches long.

Last week, you opened your eyes for the first time in four months, and you began to see light and shadows. This week, if I shine a bright light against my abdomen, you may open your eyes and turn away from the light, as if to say, "Hey Mom, shut that off—I'm trying to sleep in here."

Your little one's sight isn't the only sense that's working. Your brain wave patterns indicate that you're responding to sounds in the environment. What are you able to pick up? The sound of my voice, the growl of my stomach when I'm hungry, even noises outside my body. Your brain waves are also starting to show differences during sleep. These sleep cycles will become clearer and more distinct as you gets closer to your due date.

This is a vital stage in your lung development. Blood vessels are forming throughout both lungs. When you take your first breath of air, your lungs will absorb the oxygen, then send it into these vessels, which will circulate the oxygenated blood throughout your body. Your little one is also just starting to manufacture a substance, called a surfactant, which keeps the air sacs in your lungs from sticking together. The surfactant will allow you to breathe properly after birth. The bronchial tubes are also maturing, dividing into smaller and smaller branches.

Wow! You're really developing in there little O.

Your Daddy is shocked that I'm up this early but I wanted to say hi to you on your birthday. You're up too right now, kicking away. I'm going to get ready for work right now but we'll talk later. I love you!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Week 27: NC Pictures

I found some photos and videos from North Carolina on your Daddy's computer. Here they are:

Daddy giving us a tour of his apartment

I don't like the Red Sox...just the hat

Daddy in the UHaul

Daddy's books

Dinner at Daddy's

A full Titi Jomaira

Eat up, Daddy

Daddy and Titi Jomaira playing Trivial Pursuit

Titi Jomaira lounging

Daddy & Titi Jomaira picking out hats

Daddy at the airport to pick up Titi Jomaira

Mommie at 20 weeks

Daddy in deep contemplation

Christmas breakfast...yummie!

We had to improvise because everything was packed away

Christmas morning

Week 27: At home

Hi sweetie pie :)

Your Daddy and I are here at home relaxing. Daddy is watching Antique Roadshow. Sometimes I feel like your Daddy is a little old man. I almost expect to see him walking around with a cane. They're appraising fans at the moment, your Daddy likes them.

I forgot to tell you something that happened last night. When we got home from Ikea, our carbon monoxide detector started chirping. Daddy was really concerned so he called the fire department and they came to check it out. They brought their big fire truck with them with lights and everything. They came in and checked the house for gas but didn't find anything so they left. Glad nothing was wrong because that could make you really sick.

Love you!


Week 27: I can't believe it, I'm going to be a Papi!

Hi O,

I know I should stop saying that in case you end up being Bella, but can't help it. So I'm at work now, shouldn't be writing to you but miss you and your Mommy a lot and can't help it. This week was nice, your Mommy and I did a lot around the apartment while also entertaining my family and our Doula, Jen, and seeing your Mommy's family for dinner one night too! I think the best day in the past week was Friday, we got some Indian food and relaxed watching The Office, a funny show I got your Mommy into.

The weather forecast has where we live getting a snow storm in a few days and all I can think about is getting to stay home from work with you and your Mommy! I feel like a little kid in school praying before a big storm is expected that there won't be school the next day. Chances are I'll have to go to work, only come in later, but keep your fingers crossed for me O. If I can stay home with you and your Mommy, obviously with her if you stay, I'll read you stories and I'm sure we'll have a fun time.

It was so nice to have my family over our apartment, I got kinda sad thining that they live a little far away because I know they would visit much more if they were closer. But I'm happy we're not in North Carolina! Got to run but miss you a lot and can't wait to see you... in May!


Week 27: Justin was robbed!

Hi O. :)

The Grammy Awards were last night. I wonder how many of the winners will still be around when you're my age. Here they are:

Album of the Year: "Taking the Long Way," Dixie Chicks.
Record of the Year: "Not Ready to Make Nice," Dixie Chicks.
Song of the Year: "Not Ready to Make Nice," Dixie Chicks.
New Artist: Carrie Underwood.
Female R&B Vocal Performance: "Be Without You,"Mary J. Blige.
Pop Vocal Album: "Continuum," John Mayer.
Pop Collaboration With Vocals: "For Once in My Life,"Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder.
Country Album: "Taking the Long Way," Dixie Chicks.
Rap Album: "Release Therapy," Ludacris.
Rock Album: "Stadium Arcadium," Red Hot Chili Peppers.
R&B Album: "The Breakthrough," Mary J. Blige.
Traditional Pop Vocal Album: "Duets: an American Classic," Tony Bennett.
Female Pop Vocal Performance: "Ain't No Other Man," Christina Aguilera.
Male Pop Vocal Performance: "Waiting on the World to Change," John Mayer.
Pop Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocal: "My Humps," Black Eyed Peas.
Rock Song: "Dani California," Red Hot Chili Peppers
Solo Rock Vocal Performance: "Someday Baby," Bob Dylan.
Rock Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocal: "Dani California," Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Hard Rock Performance: "Woman," Wolfmother.
Metal Performance: "Eyes of the Insane," Slayer.
Alternative Music Album: "St. Elsewhere," Gnarls Barkley.
Dance Recording: "Sexy Back,"Justin Timberlake and Timbaland.
Electronic/Dance Album: "Confessions on a Dance Floor," Madonna.
Rap Solo Performance: "What You Know," T.I.
Rap Performance by a Duo or Group: "Ridin," Chamillionaire featuring Krayzie Bone.
Rap/Sung Collaboration: "My Love," Justin Timberlake featuring T.I.
Rap Song: "Money Maker," Ludacris featuring Pharrell
Urban/Alternative Performance: "Crazy," Gnarls Barkley.
Male R&B Vocal Performance: "Heaven," John Legend.
R&B Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocals: "Family Affair," (Sly and the Family Stone), John Legend,
Joss Stone With Van Hunt.
Traditional R&B Vocal Performance: "God Bless the Child," George Benson and Al Jarreau featuring
Jill Scott.
R&B Song: "Be Without You," Mary J. Blige.
Contemporary R&B Album: "B'Day," Beyonce.

Week 27: Busy Busy

Hi pumpkin :)

You are moving around so so much. I can't believe it. I hope you're taking naps at some point. Your parents have been busy. Yesterday we woke up early and drove down to Ikea in New Haven, Connecticut to pick out a futon for the second bedroom so that when people come to visit you they have a place to sleep. It was crazy. There were so many people there and Ikea is so huge. We tested out all the futons and picked one we really liked. Now we just have to put it together.

On the way home we stopped off at Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen's house. We got to see your Titi Jomaira too who is sick again. Poor thing.

O, your Mommie made a new discovery...maternity underwear!

I bought these lovely things at Old Navy a few weeks ago and life has not been the same. Maybe that's why you've been able to move around more the last few weeks. I wish I would have known about these sooner! They're so comfortable and stretchy. I love them.

I'm a bit tired today eventhough we went to sleep early last night so I'm going to leave you with some pictures from the last week:

Mommie's table at Amherst College telling students about her organization's internship program (Daddy came to help Mommie out too as you can tell by the very organized candy)

The goodies we put out when our doula came to visit. She was sick though so Daddy and I ended up eating most of it.

Cousin Yasmin at Rainforest Cafe

Cousin Jalil and Papa Cesar at Rainforest

Tio Jon, Mommie and Daddy at Rainforest

Your parents relaxing on Friday night with yummie Indian food!

Our trip to Ikea on Saturday (Your Daddy played DJ)

Eating at Ikea (Daddy got chicken)

Eating at Ikea (Mommie got baked salmon)

On our way home from Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen's house we went to Babiesrus and for the first time ever found parking in one of the Expectant Mothers parking spots...yay!

Love you, O!

(27 weeks, 6 days)