Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Week 26: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good morning O. :)

Happy 26th week birthday!!

We're almost done with the second trimester...only 2 more weeks to go!

According to Pampers, you are about 13 inches long and weigh around 1.75 pounds. This week, your nostrils are starting to open up, which gives you the chance to practice breathing using your muscles and lungs. There's no air to take in, of course, so instead you "inhale" and "exhale" amniotic fluid.

You're also flexing some of your feeding muscles— your lips and mouth. Your sucking reflex is so strong that if your hand floats by your face, you'll suck on your thumb or fingers. Ultrasounds often show babies in utero sucking their thumbs. In fact, some babies are born with sucking blisters on their fingers, thumbs, lips, or hands. Sucking is just one of the 70-plus reflexes you'll have when you're born.

Grasping is another of those many reflexes. If you hold out your finger to a newborn, you'll be amazed by the strength of their clutch. You are practicing your killer grip right now. Your favorite pull toy is your umbilical cord, which you like to yank and tug.

For months your eyes have been shut, but now they're almost fully developed and will soon be ready to open. Interestingly, whatever your ethnicity your eyes are blue at this time: The irises don't display their final color until a few months after birth.

Aww...sweetie, you're so busy in there! This is what you look like inside of Mommie right now:

I cancelled our appointment with the midwives that practice at Franklin Medical Center yesterday. So yes, we have finally made a decision. You will be born at Cooley Dickinson Hospital (God willing) or Daddy's car as he likes to joke. It's good to have finally made that decision since you'll be coming soon. Your Daddy and I think things will go okay at Cooley but there's no waterbirth there so you'll be born on land. Tomorrow we go to the midwives for a glucose screening test that screens Mommies for gestational diabetes. I'm going to be drinking a lot of sugar, hope it doesn't bother you too much sweetie.

It's time for Mommie to start working. I love you!
