Friday, January 19, 2007

Week 24: Pro-equality

Hi O. :)

You have been moving around so much lately. According to my baby newsletters, you'll be moving around the most during weeks 24-28 so I guess this is how you'll be for the next month. Your Daddy felt you kicking at 6:30 this morning and was shocked by how much you were moving around. He said, "how can you sleep with O moving around so much?" I said, "that's why I'm so sleepy!" Hope you're having fun in there.

Your Daddy and I went to a MassEquality meeting last night in Northampton. MassEquality is an organization that supports same sex marriage in Massachusetts. Right now, Massachusetts is the only state where same sex couples can get married. In the other 49 states, two men or two women can not marry. A few decades ago people of different races couldn't marry each other either. I hope that if you choose to get married someday you'll be able to marry anyone you want. Well, provided that your Daddy and I approve of the person. ;)

I was having crazy heartburn last night which I thought was a thing of the past, but not so. Your Daddy got me my tried and true heartburn cure, Orangina. Yummie! I felt better right away. You're going to get to see, well at least hear your Titi Jomaira tonight. We're visiting her at her school, the University of Connecticut, which also happens to be Mommie's alma mater. Can't wait! Love you sweet pea.

(24 weeks, 3 days)