Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Week 25: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good afternoon O. :)

Happy 25th week birthday!!

Yay! You're getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes when you kick now I can see you kicking. It's so cute. It's like I have a little alien inside of me.

According to Pampers, you measure 12 to 13 inches and weigh about 1.5 pounds. Your skin is still thin, wrinkled, and pale, but you get a bit plumper every day, thanks to the fat and muscle you're continually adding. Right now tiny blood vessels called capillaries are starting to develop below your little one's skin, and these will give it a pink hue. And you're still swallowing amniotic fluid. Your brain's cortex is developing into layers. Most of the action is still controlled by other brain areas that developed much earlier. Aww...you're getting smarter and smarter by the day. Your heart is beating so loudly that anyone who presses an ear to your belly can hear it. Your lungs are getting ready to take their first breath, and though the sex of your baby was determined long ago, genital differentiation is now becoming complete. You can make a fist and reach your feet, and you may already exhibit a preference for your left or right hand.

Last night your Daddy and I went to a Planned Parenthood Political Action Party in Easthampton. We got there a little late but were able to watch a video about the history of Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts and then Angus McQuilken, the Politial Director at Planned Parenthood talked about the current state of reproductive healthcare in the US and also in Massachusetts. Apparently things are starting to get better which is good. We signed up to volunteer so we might be meeting with some of our representatives soon and you'll get to come along too.

It's lunch time sweetie. Love you!
