Saturday, January 6, 2007

Week 22: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Hi baby!

Today is Janary 6, 2007, Three King's Day. This is a very important day in hispanic countries. In Puerto Rico, children place hay in a small box and place the box under their beds. The hay is left to feed the camels. They do this on the eve of Jan 5th and when they awaken find a gift. Maybe your parents will celebrate this holiday with you.

I am looking foward to singing songs to you. There is a song from P. R. about a tiny tree frog. Maybe mommie can sing it to you. Next time I'll write another song that I hope we'll get to sing.

El Coquí
sound of a coquí

El coquí, el coquí siempre canta,
Es muy suave el cantar del coquí,
Por las noches a veces me duermo,
Con el dulce cantar del coquí,
Coquí, coquí, coquí, quí, quí, quí,
Coquí, coquí, coquí, quí, quí, quí.

Well dear baby sleep well.