Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Week 23: Settling in...the apartment

So we've been living in our new apartment a week now, and I love it! Still got some stuff to put away and organize to get it "finished," but having our space, only for mommy, daddy, and you, is nice. After a week of having a back door with a window to see in to our whole apartment I taped a dark towel to cover it and think it's made a difference. It's nice having a place to call home, and I've been walking around town every opportunity I get during the day. I've been to the post office a hand full of times, last night I checked out what is playing at the local theater, and a comic book store. Northampton is cool. And there are tons of babies all around, think you'll like it.

Over the weekend we celebrated my mother's 53rd birthday, she looks easily a decade or more younger! It was nice being with all of my siblings and parents and your mommy and you. We had a good time. We ate, talked and played a game, that mommy was pretty darn good at as a matter of fact! Can't wait for some family to come visit us in our new apartment.

The Fernandez children (Look at Titi Krysten with her new haircut!)

Abuelito Jorgensen & Abuelita Mayela with your Mommie & Daddy

The Fernandez Familia

Today was hectic, I went to two temp agencies and filled out tons of forms and took a bunch of tests, with the hope to get a job some time soon. I also applied to a couple jobs online. Daddy wants to be a working daddy some time before you are born, preferably sooner rather than later.

We just got back from Holyoke's Birthing Unit, checking them out to find the best place for you to be born in, nothing to good for you! It was nice but mommy and I both felt it was much more "hospital like" than Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton, which is a negative. Sometimes I wonder how our parents and grandparents ever had us without Doulas and Midwives, and choices of hospitals! lol

We also went to the library and daddy opened up a new membership to take out books, including one's for you!

Can't wait for you to be born and old enough to take to the library to take out books with you!

Love ya.
