Sunday, January 14, 2007

Week 23: Still here!

Good morning sweetie. :)

So we're still in Massachusetts. Our flights got cancelled twice yesterday but we've been booked on a flight later today so hopefully we'll be in New Mexico tonight! Since we didn't have to fly yesterday we were able to go to your cousin Jalil's 5th birthday party. It was so nice! It was held at the community room where he lives and a lot of children were there and there was a lot of yummie food.

Jalil dancing

Jalil about to blow out his candle

Happy Birthday!

Mommie with your cousins Yasmin and Jalil

The Rincón children

The Rincón women

Papa Cesar, Lela Carmen, Titi Jomaira, Titi Lisa, Tio Jon
Yasmin, Daddy, Mommie, Jalil