Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Week 23: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good Afternoon O. :)

Happy 23rd week birthday!!!

I know I've said this a lot lately but I can't believe that you're 23 weeks old already. Next week you'll be 6 months old! I think it's going to be weird to start counting how old you are again when you're born. Suddenly you'll go from being 40 weeks old (I hope!) to 1 week old.

Let's see...according to Babycenter, you are more than 11 inches long and weigh just over a pound. Other things about you this week:
  • Now that bones in her ears have hardened, your baby can hear you and prefers your voice to any other sound. (aww...sweetie, you like my voice that much?)
  • The amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby is the perfect place for her to grow into a healthy newborn. The salty fluid keeps her warm, protects her from infections, and is buoyant enough for her to exercise her developing body. Right now the amniotic sac contains about a pint of fluid, which is refreshed every three to four hours.
  • Your baby looks like a tiny, thin newborn and measures about the length of a Barbie doll.
This is what you look like inside of Mommie right now:

You're so cute sweetie. You were moving around a lot during my staff meeting this morning so I hope I wasn't making weird faces during the meeting. I'm still so excited when I feel you kick. Your Daddy and I ended up going to sleep late again last night so I'm a bit sleepy but hopefully tonight will be an early night. Time for Mommie to eat now. I love you!
