Sunday, January 21, 2007

Week 24: Lela Carmen!

Guest post from Lela Carmen:

Good Morning Baby,

It's your Lela Carmen wishing you a wonderful day. Your mommy and daddy came to visit last night, I so enjoy their company. I got a chance to rub mommie's belly and it seemed you were curled up toward the right side. Did you hear my voice? I hope we didn't speak too loud to interrupt your slumber. Mommie's belly looks round right now, so the name "Isabella" comes to mind. But everyone just wants you to be healthy.

Time goes by very quickly and soon you will be born. Your parent's are relentless in their pursuit for the best place for mommie's delivery. They care so much about you. God has a miraculous way of implanting the seed of love. Everyone is full of love for you even before you are born. Isn't God wonderful!

Here's my prayer for you and your parents:

Loving Father, I thank you for the miracle of my grandchild. Please help her/him develop into a healthy, happy baby. Lord there is so much love for this child and we praise your holy name for filling our hearts with love. Please God, continue to bless Johanna and Chester as they prepare for the baby's arrival. May they continually recognize Your presence in their lives. Amen

I'll write soon, so just keep warm and safe.

I love you!