Saturday, January 27, 2007

Week 25: Dreaming

Good morning little O. :)

Your Daddy is talking to his Mommie on the phone right now. I hope once you get older and leave the house you'll call me a lot too. You better!

Last night I had my first real birthing dream. It was kind of weird but nice. I've had a lot of dreams of me giving birth to baby turtles but I don't really give birth to them, they just kind of pop out of my tummie. Last night I had a dream that me and your Titi Jomaira were both pregnant with twins. We were in a room together and she gave birth first but I was having trouble. The nurses kept telling me how to push but it wasn't working so I told them to leave me alone for a little bit because I wanted to push a different way. As soon as they left I pushed the little babies out and put them on a table. I forgot to suction out their mouth and noses so I had to call the nurses in. They were really surprised that I had given birth so quickly and they took the babies away to the nursery. When I went to see the babies they were in incubators but they weren't babies anymore they were hairless rats. Yes, rats.

They were really cute though and had little hats on. After that I woke up and told your Daddy. He must think I'm a weirdo. It was a really nice dream though.

Yesterday Mommie had a hard day. I woke up with a bad nosebleed yesterday morning. It kind of freaked me out because I haven't had nosebleeds before. I looked online and they say it's perfectly normal for pregnant women to have nosebleeds but the blood was gushing out which had me concerned. I squeezed my nose for about 15 minutes and it still hadn't stopped so I squeezed for another 5 minutes and then it stopped. Yay! I hadn't slept well the night before and was a bit sad so I took a mental health day from work. I stayed in bed for the day and watched episodes of the Office, finished my book and ate ice cream and cheese puffs. At 3pm I decided to get out of bed since by that point except for getting up to get food or going to the bathroom I had been in bed for 15 hours straight. Crazy! I took a shower and went to the library to return my books and then came home. Your Daddy got home at that point from work. He had a really good day at work yesterday but I'll let him tell you about it. We had some free movie passes so we headed out to Springfield to watch a movie. Mommie doesn't like watching violent movies in general and especially now that you're around so our movie choices were somewhat limited. I really wanted to see Blood Diamond, it's a movie about the conflict in Sierra Leone but I knew it would be too violent for me to watch. So we picked the Pursuit of Happyness which is rated PG-13. It's based on a real story about a struggling salesman with a young son and how he struggles to make ends meet. I really liked it and made me think about how lucky we are. I was crying through a lot of the parts but your Daddy was there to hold my hand. We'll always be there for you O, no matter what.

I'm glad it's Saturday and that I get to spend the day with your Daddy. We're going to go run some errands now. Love you sweetie!

(25 weeks, 4 days)