Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Week 24: Happy Cumplesemana! (belated)

Hi O. :)

Happy 24th week birthday!!

You're 6 months old!!

Sorry that we're a day late but your Daddy and I were traveling and didn't have wireless access. I can't believe you're 6 months old sweetie. You're so big! I don't want you to come out yet but if I gave birth to you soon you'd still have a good chance of surviving and being okay. Yay! That makes me so happy.

We had a great time in New Mexico this weekend. I'll tell you more about that when I get home so I can post photos from the trip.

As far as you go, according to Parenting Magazine (which I have a subscription to already):

You are about as big as a box turtle (about 8 1/2 inches from head to rump). Your face is developed with eyes and ears placed just where they should be. You're big enough that you can no longer do cartwheels and tumbles, but you're just as touchy-feely with your surroundings as you have been. You're also even more attuned into sounds outside the womb. If a loud noise disturbs you, you may be restless for hours. Awww.

I love you sweetie...Happy Birthday!!
