Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Week 25: Career Wisdom

Happy 25th, week that is. It's Daddy. Lots to tell you. I started a temp job not too far from your Mommy, and after a couple days at work it seems ok there. Daddy has to take what he can get until I get something better to help Mommy you know. It's been kinda tough on the job front, lots of choices and with you coming into the world it makes me walk the line of trying to get a job that pays the bills now to trying to get a job that pays the bills and I have a passion for some time in the future. At least I know with your Mommy as my partner, and the support she gives me, I know I can do what I love workwise and Mommy will love me all the same, even if it means making less money. Money isn't everying in this world O, and I hope you do well in school to have choices not everyone has and can end up doing something for work you really are passionate about, not working to pay the bills, because that's no fun.

I've been feeling you kick like crazy, must be the Costa Rican soccer player in you! Mommy looks more and more beautiful every day, boy am I, and you, lucky to be with her. Got to run to eat dinner now but can't wait to see you, not too soon though ok. Love you.
