Sunday, January 21, 2007

Week 24: Home at last

Hi sweet pea. :)

We just got home a few minutes's been a long day! We had a really fun weekend. On Friday night we visited your Titi Jomaira at UConn. Her apartment is so nice and huge and your she keeps it really tidy. Your Titi bought your Daddy and I yummie Indian food that we ate a lot of. After dinner Titi Jomaira took us to the Student Union so we could go to Husky Howl, a weekly event at UConn that's from 9pm-1am. We got a free mug and pen and yummie raspberry daiquiris. We had a lot of fun with Titi Jomaira and are going to visit again sometime.

On Saturday we got up early to tackle the second bedroom in our apartment that had sadly turned into a storage room. We organized our things and then visited Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar in Connecticut. We spent many hours with them and Lela Carmen cooked us a huge delicious dinner. Lela thinks you're a girl, sweetie. We'll see...

This morning we got up early to attend our second Hypnobirthing class. We did mostly breathing and visual imagery work. It was really relaxing. After that we headed to Franklin Medical Center in Greenfield. Yes, another hospital! We had thought we had decided on Cooley Dickinson Hospital but our doula suggested that we visit Franklin because they also offer waterbirths. When we got there a really nice nurse Sam introduced herself and asked us what we wanted to drink for our tour. She got us some juice and then took us around the childbirth center. The tour took about an hour because she sat with us to talk about our pregnancy and to answer our questions. We even got to see 3 little babies in the nursery room who had been born prematurely. They were so cute, O! We couldn't stop looking at them.

We're going to think about it some more but we liked Franklin better than Cooley. They believe that birthing is a natural process not a medical event and that women should be supported throughout that process with as little intervention as needed. Their birth statistics are also better than Cooley but if we changed to Franklin we'd have to change midwifery practices and it's also 25 minutes away from our home instead of 8 minutes away like Cooley. So we'll see...feel free to let us know which one you like better, O. :)

After visiting the hospital we ran some errands and we're finally back. Mommie is glad to be home because I have been having a little bit of pain/soreness today. It's dinner time. I love you sweetie!

(25 weeks, 5 days)