Thursday, January 11, 2007

Week 23: Swimming

Hi sweetie :)

Your Daddy and I went to the YMCA last night and he ran a bit while I took a water aerobics class. It felt so good to be in the warm water. There were about 12 other women in the class, including another pregnant Mommie so you had another baby in there with you. I hope you enjoyed floating around.

I had a bit of a nightmare last night. I dreamt that I had all of these huge red dots all over my tummie and the dots were toxins and they were eating/killing you. When I woke up this morning I went into the bathroom and looked at my tummie and there were no red dots, thank God.

I haven't had my recurring dream in a while. In that dream I give birth to you but you're a baby turtle. I really like that one. After I give birth, I wrap you up in all of these little blankets and feed you little snacks and then I wake up.

I love you!

(23 weeks, 2 days)